Goodwill Store Scores For The Doll House!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!

I ran by Goodwill after church yesterday and found an amazing bag of 18inch doll clothes…!! The entire bag was only $7.99!! Such a steal!! I wish I would’ve taken ‘before’ photos of the bag itself because you’d never have dreamed there’d be so much great stuff in the mishmash bag that they came in… I found the bag in the ‘carts’ they bring out merchandise in or I am sure I’d never have gotten it. That’s the trick, going often and always checking the ‘new cart’ stuff. Most of the really great stuff that gets sold at Goodwill gets sold right out of those carts!! I digress…. So here is what I got:

Four really cute dresses!! The pink and orange one is Madame Alexander, the green stripes is OG, the polka dot is Kingstate and the blue and white is unlabled.

Two AG shirts, lots of OG shirts and lots of unbranded…. So many cute ones! I love the white eyelet one in front!! Naturally I need to run them all through the washing machine because a few of them were very well loved and who really ever thinks to launder doll clothes really…? Not like dolls get sweaty or anything. Haha. But I think a few of them will look much nicer after a good wash.

So. Many. Cute. Skirts!! I have four of them already but… Twinsy clothes!!

Long sleeved tops.. I have three of them already… Twinsy clothes!!

PJ’s and other misc. stuff… The panties are AG.

Awesome accessories!!

And more awesome accessories… Even a pony ‘coat’!

Sadly these shoes were all singletons… I’d never seen the purple clear OG shoe before!? Cute!!

Then I found this table and chair set… I couldn’t help it. I bought them… I am going to need a bigger house… LOL I didn’t buy the doll… 
I’m trying not to regret not buying her because she was in nearly new condition… But… I have so so many dolls already and a few blond haired blue eyed My Life As dolls even… So… I left her there for someone else to find as their ‘find of the day’! Still…. So cute!!

Saw this doll and found him interesting and so thought you might too… Cute face on this little fella…!

As is a common sight at thrift stores nowadays… Someones meticulously cared for porcelain doll collection. They just don’t seem to appeal to many people now days and often get broken while living in big bins like this. I used to buy them sometimes to steal their clothes but I’ve gotten pickier about doll clothes in recent years. They generally make the dresses to never be removed and so they are usually pretty for play dolls but not really all that practical. Still, sad to see poor neglected dollies!

The one with the flowers on her front (upside down in this photo) is really pretty…
I better run!
Happy Monday Doll Friends!

One thought on “Goodwill Store Scores For The Doll House!

  1. Wow, I wish our Goodwill stores got things like this …. or maybe they do and they have doll lovers on staff? Or going in every day or so …. I think the porcelain and other collectible dolls like the one by Pauline Bjorrn-Jacobsen are sad, too. You know so many of them had to be loving gifts to Moms and Grandmas, and were treasured, but they do break so easily.


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