Journey Girl Ilee Arrives At The Doll House!

Hi Doll Friends!

Ever since I first saw her Ilee has been on my ‘wish list’ for dolls… Since Toys R Us seems to be floundering a little bit I am starting to fear the worst for the future of the beautiful Journey Girls line of dolls. I’ve decided I need to bump the JG’s I want further up the list before they are gone. Maybe I’ll be happily surprised and be wrong about them going away. Sadly, I just heard that Madame Alexander is struggling too and they are kind of industry standard in the doll world. So, I know that dolls are in trouble a bit. I am sad to say I think children are playing with toys less and less as they turn into little zombies in front of handheld screens. No judgement here in case it sounds that way! I often pray thanks to Jesus that my two kids are in their teens now and I didn’t have the chance to just ‘hand them a screen’ to placate them when they were little. Because I know me and I am sure I’d have let them have them too. So, like I say, thank you Jesus for my not having had to worry about that. Not that my teens aren’t screen zombies but at least when they were little bitty, they actually played and ran and acted like children. You know? I digress… Sorry for my little ‘state of the world’ lamentation… But… Well… what can I say that I lament the state of the world quite a lot. Why do you think I’ve created Doll World to lose myself in? Hahaha! Right? Maybe if I keep trying to create magical photos of dollies, some child might see them and have thier imagination sparked to play with their own dollies and create their own scenes and photos. I can hope. By way, if you, dear reader, are one who’s taken doll photos I would love to see them! If you wouldn’t mind I could even post them to the blog as a ‘guest post’ so… Do contact me if that interests you at all. My goodness… Digressing on top of digressing… On to Ilee!!

She is so gorgeous!! One reason I bought her is because I happened to find a sale at ToysRUs where she was only $28.00… I couldn’t help myself. She had to join the Doll House. 

I love her outfit!! So neat and I love that she’s from Austrailia. I am not sure if I mentioned this but when I was about seven and obsessed with Olivia Newton John, I wanted to move to Austrailia and never come back. So, here is my little nod to my seven year old self. Teehee. 
I just got her out of the box earlier this morning and haven’t had a chance to photo her yet but I just had to come show you anyway… I mentioned I had a couple of Journey Girl dolls on my ‘wish list’… Which is/are the other ones? Well, the next I think I’ll get if I find them on sale again (or if start to really feel like ToysRUs might go away quickly…) I want to get Callie because, well, she’s adorable. I know I know… All dolls are adorable to me, apparently. Meh, everyone has thier ‘thing’ right?

Side of box…

Other side of box…

Back of box…

And a set of undies that I got on sale for $9.00 that I purchased instead of spending that money on shipping… I love free shipping. 

I was surprised myself that I bought an underwear set but I think the three camis/tanktops can (and will) be used to round out cute summer outfits of shorts and sandals. Right? So, that’s fun.
Better run!

I’ll hope to be back with proper photos of Ilee soon… Untill I do, perhaps check out My Journey Girls Dolls Adventures post about her… She always does such an amazing job on her reviews and photos so check out her other posts as well. I love other doll blogs! So many great ones to read and never enough time to read as much as I’d like… So, speaking of reading, thanks for reading my post here and any time you do. I know there is a lot of ‘media’ vying for your attention nowadays and so it’s always so lovely to have visits on my little corner of the webs of the world wide.

Better run!
Till Next Time!


*Updated March 18, 2018*

I got more photos taken of Ilee…


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