My Our Generation Doll Collection… So Far…

Hello Dear Doll Friends!!
I am never ever ever ever ever going to get done with this post… Hahaha. Kidding! But it certainly feels like I won’t! It’s ‘eating’ up a whole lot of by blog time and is making me feel ’empty handed’ for want of anything to post for ya’ll. So… I am posting this partially done. Not a word written really yet but about… I don’t know… Half the photos? Apparently I light Our Generation Dolls or something. Teehee. How can I not though? They really are such amazing dolls for the cost in my opinion and there are so many cute ones. I am posting this partially done but so you don’t have to come back and ‘check’ to see if I ‘finish’ it, I’ll make a mini-post the day I finish it with a linky back here to make it easy for you. So here you have what I’ve gotten posted so far!
Happy Tuesday!


**Updated March 18, 2018**

Hi Doll Friends,

I finally got back here and I think I have all my Our Generation Doll’s posted here finally. Well, as I type that I remember I just saw my Becky Doll sitting in my Doll Car yesterday and therefore totally missed the census here. I’ll add her later at some point. Some of the doll’s here don’t have names yet and so their names aren’t noted. At the outset of doing these posts I thought I’d try and link back to when each individual doll arrived at the Doll House but I have realized if I do that I will never ever ever get this posted, for reals. So, if you have any questions about any of the dolls please do ask in the comments and I’ll be happy to give you any information. 

Have a great day!


2 thoughts on “My Our Generation Doll Collection… So Far…

  1. Whew! That's a lot of dolls. What an awesome collection. You can see that Our Generation Battat has had a lot of unique face molds over the years. I am now inspired to get my own growing OBG collection photographed and posted! 🙂


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