March Drawing For 18Inch Doll Accessories!!

Greetings And Salutations Doll Friends!!
My oh my does time ever fly!! Somehow I flew through February and now over half of March without getting a new doll item drawing for my sweet readers! I kept thinking of it and meaning to get here to post one and just getting distracted by other blog posts and ‘real life’. So… To make up for it, I decided to dig through my ‘misc. doll extras’ box and come up with a drawing with lots of stuff in it to make up for missing February completely. It’s a pretty random lot but hopefully a bit of fun for the doll who wins it. 

Included are: Five baskets, two frisbees, a ‘blender’ from MLA (that has a button you push and it ‘works’, some ‘dixie cups’ (red ones), some clear plastic cups (mulit-colored), two ‘gold’ goblets, a ‘pitcher’ from OG, a ‘trophy’, a garden chalk board sign, a bunny rabbit, two parasols (they are a tiny bit small for 18inch dolls but great for Wellie Wisher sized dolls… I had them so I threw them in), a pair of black ballet slippers, and a few plastc toys for the Easter basket (a unicorn, a dinosaur and a fairy). I think that’s everything…? Please ask questions if you have them! 

How do you enter drawing? Easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy!! Just like prior drawings, you just go and ‘like’ the PCR American Doll House Facebook Page and share the post there about the contest on your own Facebook page. That’s it, super easy!
 I will draw the name of the contest winner on Sunday March 25, 2018 at  6:00PM CST.

*Contest only open to people in the United States or APO addresses due to postage costs!!* (Sorry international readers, I only have so much money to devote to my little blog here)

So, good luck!! 
Have a fantastic day!

4 thoughts on “March Drawing For 18Inch Doll Accessories!!

  1. All the prizes are awesome! Here everyone uses all sizes of Parasols for all kinds of reasons, from keeping the sun and rain off to decorations in weddings, and parts of costumes for the parades and balls.So I think any doll will love the prizes. By the way, I finally finished the makeover for my daughter's American Girl doll. She was very happy with it.


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