Our Generation Beekeeper Doll Melina Arrives At Doll House!!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
Happy Wednesday!! When I got my Juliet Doll, I loved her face sculpt so much that I knew I’d have to get the other doll that OG put out with the same sculpt. Naturally, once I decided I wanted her, she became nearly impossible to find online. She is the Beekeeper Doll from OG’s Professional Doll collection. Her accessories are nearly as cute as she is! So I took to ‘checking’ Target online for her whenever I checked my emails etc and made the ’rounds’ of my phone. (You know, Instagram, my blog, email, Pinterest, favorite blogs, Facebook (when I am weak, LOL I am trying to give up), etc etc etc.. you know, the rounds of modern day life.) So the other day I checked and there she was!! So, despite having gone a tiny bit bonkers in the arena of doll buying lately, I snatched her up without a second thought, chose ‘ship to store’ to avoid shipping costs and waited. She arrived Monday and I was able to swing by and pick her up after work yesterday. I am so so so glad I bought her. She is totally gorgeous. 

She arrived in a clear plastic bag…

Here she is early this morning… I needed to photo her in the box before I opened and then I forced myself to come and write this post before I allow myself to unbox her… So this post might be short. Hahaha!

At Target these beds were 50% off! I don’t need another doll bed or I might’ve snapped one up. So cute!

This is a new motif in their other kind of doll bed. I think it’s cute!

I saw the hotdog cart and even though they currently have a BOGO half off sale, I am proud to say I didn’t buy it. I am sure I’ll regret it at some point. It is really cute.

I want these twins!!! I keep talking myself out of them because I have so many dolls but I love that they are sold ‘as’ twins and have a whole story about them and being twins. How fun!!

Is this a new face sculpt? I couldn’t decide. At first I thought she was the same old one but… Looking closer I am not sure. Her nose seems thinner?

Not a new sculpt but I love her ensemble!

I think this gal might be new too? Do you guys remember?

Naturally I stopped in to a couple of Goodwill’s enroute home yesterday too… I saw these chairs… I don’t need any more doll chairs at all… They were marked $3.99 each but are pretty top notch and so I didn’t think that was too much… But I don’t need any doll chairs. So, I compromised and bought two of them. Bwahahahahahahahaha. Seriously though, do you know how many dolls I have? They need to sit somewhere…!

Also saw these cuties… Love their outfits and their cute faces but… NO. I left them there. So cute though!

More sad collector dolls at Goodwill. *sigh* Poor dears.I actually have a few of the Precious Moments ones and I think they are really really cute. But they are in the basement in the ‘get rid of’ box because, ultimately, I had to choose a ‘type’ and stick with it. Or I’d own every Precious Moments doll ever made before I knew it. Hahaha. But they are so cute!!

Then I saw Jesus. It was all I could do not to bring Him home!! Had to keep reminding myself “I don’t collect figurines, I don’t collect figurines….” I love Jesus! 
Better run!!

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