Our Generation Beekeeper Doll Is Out Of The Box!

Hi Doll Friends!

Friday again! Time sure does fly! On Tuesday I went by Target to pick up my beautiful Our Generation Beekeeper Doll… This week has been super busy and so I didn’t get a chance to take her out of the box and take photos until yesterday evening.

She. Is. So. Beautiful!! I love her. In as much as she has the same face sculpt as Juliet, she has a totally different look to her. I didn’t realize it until she arrived, but she looks almost exactly like my best friend in sixth and seventh grade named Amy. I say those years because I moved a lot as a kid and that’s all the more I was able to be friends with Amy and she and I lost touch. Eleven schools total in my 13years of school, you do the math. So it wasn’t always all that easy to keep in touch in the days before social networking and the internet. I digress… Back to the doll, stock photos of dolls online often don’t really give you an accurate picture of what the doll will look like in person I’ve found. Most of the time the dolls are prettier in person than online. Do you think so? Such was the case with this beautiful doll who’s name will be changed to, you guessed it, Amy.

I love the Beekeeper outfit too! I’ll have to how you the accessories in a different post because they are fabulous!!

I did get her changed into a different outfit but just didn’t get more photos taken of her… I’ll hope to get some this evening. The weather is finally getting a bit warmer and it’s staying lighter later so maybe I’ll even get to take her outside for some photos!

Her outfit was ‘sewn on’ to her in a couple of spots so if you’re gifting this doll to a child, they’ll need your help (and you’ll probably need a seam ripper unless you’re better with scissors than I am) to get her clothes off. I understand why they do this since they have ‘open faced’ boxes but… Kind of annoying anyway. Don’t get me wrong, I love about 99% of things about Our Gen dolls but that one is kind of annoying. As a girl, when I’d get a doll, the very first thing I’d do would be to change her outfit and if it would’ve been sewn on, I might would’ve been to hasty in removing the strings and ripped the clothing… Or something… I know… It’s a strange thing to be annoyed over but there it is.

So I am sure Amy will be yet another favorite at the Doll House! And that, should Our Generation release other dolls in the future with this face sculpt, I will likely add more to my collection because it’s a beautiful one. 

Better run!
Have a great weekend!

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