Under The Weather At The Doll House!!

Hi Doll Friends!!

So sorry I’ve been MIA for so long! I normally never go a week between postings. Sadly a bug has hit the house with a storm of symptoms of all sorts depending on the family member struck. As much as I’ve been trying to be in denial about it, my scratchy throat and ‘cotton ball filled’ filled (not literally, just how it feels) sinuses are telling me I might be headed down that road myself. If you’re the praying sort and read this in time, please pray I am well enough to go to Easter services tomorrow! Thanks! So, in light of how my week has been, I decided to take a photo of Miss Mckenna Julie sick in bed…

She’s much cuter being sick than I am, trust me. 

In the vein of full disclosure, cos that’s how I try to roll, I would be remiss if I neglected to mention another reason I’ve been absent. This last week marked the fifth year annivsersary of my Mom passing away. It really knocked the wind out of me this year. She left a huge hole in this world when she went and I haven’t felt it as accutely and painfully as I did this past week since the year she died. Grief is like waves… It never goes away, it’s just in varying levels of tides. Right? So, I lost myself in binge watching Hoarders Buried Alive (don’t judge, we all keep our houses clean in our own ways! Teehee) and cried quite a lot… Heck I am crying while I type this. Not trying to be too ‘candid’ but I try to tell it like it is when it comes to such things. So, if you have a mom you’re close to, give her a call today, eh? Tell her Hi from me. For those of you who’ve lost your Mom too soon (and isn’t it always too soon?), know that you’re not the only one who’s heart breaks over and over again at the loss. I’ll keep breathing until the tide goes out again, in the meantime I’ll press into Jesus. He always whispers just the right thing to keep me breathing well. 
Till nesxt time.

2 thoughts on “Under The Weather At The Doll House!!

  1. I am sending healing prayers for your family. I am also sending prayers for you your physical health and spiritual comfort. I to have felt the same loss. You are being a living example of Job, He faced so much,everything happened pretty much all at once and kept his faith. I hate that y'all are going through all this. Each thing you face adds another chapter to your personal testimony. God sees and hears you. God bless you and yours.


  2. Thanks so much Tasha! I wrote this paragraph long reply and naturally my internet went down! Suffice to say I am humbled by your comparison and feel so loved because of your prayer. I'm so sorry you lost your Mom too. It's so incredibly hard in ways you never see coming until you go through it really… If that makes sense. Thanks so much for your prayers and friendship!! ❤ ❤ ❤


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