Pamela and Juliessa Doll Visit Cabela’s!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!

I don’t know if you’ve ever been to a Cabela’s store but they are really pretty neat. I’m admittedly not much of a sports enthusiast but I used to take my kids there anyway when they were little bitty because it’s just a neat store to look around in. They even have an aquarium and a waterfall! I’ve been thinking about taking some dolls to the store for a while now but the opportunity just never presented itself. So, last week when I was in town, I just planned it, packed up Pamela and Juliessa doll and went after work. I got some pretty fun photos and want to go back again sometime and get more with other dolls in the future. Doll photography has become one of my favorite aspects of my doll hobby and there are just so many great photo ops to be had! So, here are some of the photos I took. I also made a Youtube video of all of the photos if you’d like to see them you can find it here. Posting all of them here seemed a bit excessive because I took at ton!

Time to go home! (They both fit inside the OG doll carrying bag pretty well.)
Hope you enjoyed the photos!
Have a great Wednesday (or whatever day you happen to visit!) 

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