Lotus 14inch Bumbleberry Dolls On Sale At Amazon!!

Doll Friends!

So last weekend I was shopping researching on Amazon and noticed that the Bumbleberry Dolls by Lotus were on sale…!? They still are and nearly all of them are less than $15 each. So, when I noticed the sale, I put one of my favorites (and the cheapest priced of them at the time) in my cart to ‘think about it’. Later in the day I forgot about it as I got busy with other things…

Low and behold but what does my sweet husband walk in with after getting the mail on Thursday? The doll I put in the cart!! He was shopping on Amazon over weekend too and noticed the doll in the cart and decided to surprise me with it. I. Love. That. Man. He is so good to me. So, here she is!

She comes named Cassidy but that is not going to be her ‘for keeps’ name… I haven’t decided what her name will be but I’ll let you know when I decide. She’s my third Bumbleberry Doll in the Doll House. I think they are so cute and well made for the regular price of $19.99 so when they put them on sale they are practically a steal!? When I put mine in the cart she was about $15.50 or so… 

Now Cassidy is only $12.13 (what a strange price, right?) and I most of others are less than $15.00!! I will be hard pressed not to go Buy. All. The. Dolls. at that price. In as much as I know I don’t need every single Bumbleberry Girl they make, at that price it’s practically worth each additional doll just for the adorable outfit, backpack and shoes the dolls come with. Top notch all around!
So here are all three of my Bumbleberry Girls… Paige just came home recently and Juliessa was the first one I ever got. As you know if you read my blog with any frequency at all, 18inch Lotus Dolls are some of my very favorites so having 15inch Lotus dolls as little sisters for them. So fun! My 18inch older sisters in this photo are Radel, Debbie and Frann. So, Lotus Dolls are some of my favorite dolls… I just think they are sweet. 

So if you’ve been considering bringing home a Bumbleberry Girl Doll to your Doll House now might be a good time to do it. I’d always love to see photos of your Dollies and so if you have them send them on! If you do please also let me know if I can post your photo to the blog and if you want ‘public’ recognition (Not everyone does so no worries either way). 

Well I better run… Time sure does fly in the morning!

I want to take some more photos of this group of dolls so I can create a YouTube video of them! That’s quickly becoming one of my favorite things to do with regards to dolls… To tell little ‘stories’ in progressive photography… I don’t have the time or patience to make the actual 300/frame/min commitment to make those so instead I just make progressive photos… 

So I’ll come back with a linky if when I get that video made. 

I love this photo of Debbie and Cassidy playing with the AG Doll brand dog I got at a thrift store for like 50cents a while ago… (Probably meant to post about him and then forgot… I do that sometimes… Teehee…)

Radel is reading a Mary Engelbreit book to Paige. We love Mary E in the Doll House! She’s just got a whimsical flair to her art that makes me happy. In fact, I imagine about half of my decorating style in the Doll House are patterned after her style. Lots of rich patterns and testures and cozy ‘plentifulness’ of books and pillows and… Well, I could just live in a Mary Engelbreit picture and feel right at home, lets say that. 

Better run! Till Next Time!

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