My Creatology Doll Collection… So Far..

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends,

So it’s been a few weeks since I’ve worked on my ‘My Collection So Far’ videos. It is a fun project but it was eating up all of my hobby time and so I sequed to other things for a little while. I knew I’d get back to it eventually though… So, without further adieu, here is my collection of Creatology Dolls… So far… Upon pulling them out and photographing I started wondering why I don’t have more of these cute dolls. They are really affordable at Michael’s (with coupon you can usually get them for like $15) and I only have one custom from them… Hmmm… I’ll have to sneak one or two back on my ‘wish list’ maybe. Heeheehee. On to the dolls!

Suddenly out of hobby time this morning so I have to go… Have a wonderful day!

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