New Custom Linda Mason Bumbleberry Doll Hybrid At The Doll House!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!
I’ve made another custom hybrid doll… I couldn’t help it, all the details of this doll just fell into place. 
Here she is after I was all done. Isn’t she beautiful? 

Here is the original doll I took the head from. 

She was really dirty and had been ‘loved’ and played with a lot. Her wig was a total mess… 

When I first found her I thought she was a porcelain doll and they have never been my thing. But I always check to be sure… And when I checked this little gal, I discovered she was vinyl. Not only that but she was marked on back of neck by a signiture reading: ‘Linda Mason 2008’. What? Where did this doll come from…? So I plunked down the $2.00 and took her home to do more research. 

Here is what her body looks like, constructed a lot like most porcelain dolls with an armature inside. 

She’d been played with so much that her armature had shifted and you could feel it right against the cloth on her back. Kind of creepy feeling honestly… 

She also had a rip on the ‘elbow’ of one arm. 

I could tell that her hands and feet were also done by Linda Mason because they were adorable. They reminded me a lot of the hands and feet of my Starpath Doll. Starpath dolls were also sculpted by Linda Mason and so no surprise. 

So it felt like kind of a shame to know I planned to give her a body transplant and would be loosing the cute hands and feet. But her body type was no good in clothes and also I think her original body looked too big for her head…?

When I researched I could not really find one thing about this doll….? I did find one photo of a ‘new’  doll like her that made me realize she was wearing some parts of her ‘meet’ outfit when I found mine. 
But like I say, I couldn’t find any information on her really…?

The closest I came was these ‘Fairy Tale Lessons’ dolls but it says they are 23 inches, not 18 inches… So not the same. How curious!

Perhaps you, dear reader, are familiar with who she was and can let me know in comments. 

The first thing I did when I got her home was to clean up her face and re-wig her. I had this little pixie cut wig on hand and when I put it on her I knew it was the one that would stay on. The dark brown hair really made her green eyes pop!

But where to get a body for transplant? Hmmmm….
And wouldn’t you know it? Amazon practically read my mind and had a sale on Bumbleberry Cassidy for less than $12.00! They just kept marking them down!
I sometimes pop things I am thinking of getting in my ‘cart’ at Amazon and they kept giving me messages like this. I couldn’t help myself. It did sort of sadden me to think of snatching the body of a brand new doll but…. What can you do?

So it took the customary two days for the doll to get here…

Here is the new one next to the one I got last week. I decided I’d compare and see which I thought had the better eye placement… I even asked my husbands opinion and we both agreed that the newer doll (on left) was the one with the most evenly placed eyes. So… the one from last week was the one I’d be taking the body from.

See how her right eye is placed a bit lower than the left? Tough break kid. Hahaha.

Pre surgery…

And afterwards…

I love love love how she came out. An original hybrid doll for less than $15. What’s not to love about that? 

I am still considering names… I’ll come back and update when I decide. 

Here she is next to Star. They certainly look like siblings or at least cousins!

Better run!

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