Crazy Month For Health In The Doll House!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!
Happy May first!! I am so glad it’s a new month… April first this year brought with it both Easter and a continuation of a long whirlwind of ailments and illnessess in the Doll House! I am a bit reticent to say we are out of the woods finally because it seemed like every time I said it in the month of April I’d jinx myself and we’d end up with some new manner of health issue. So… I’ll pray it’s over and we can finally enjoy Spring now that it’s finally decided to arrive in the midwest. 
Given all the illnesses and ailments we’ve had, I decided to do round two of Under The Weather At The Doll House and was shocked to realize that I’d posted the first one in late March… I had been thinking that pestilence and plague illness had struck in early April but now I realize it’s been more like a month and a half. No wonder I am worn out! I have joked with my church family that the reason is because I had a really profound Word from God at the Women’s Retreat this year. So the devil is working overtime to snatch it away from me. He can’t have it though! Afterall:
“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”
2nd Corinthians 12:9

I decided to mark the time period with some more ‘dolly sick in bed’ photos though since it has been my life for a month and a half nearly… This time with actual Heather Doll even so it’d be more authentic. LOL

Heather is reading “A Purpose Driven Life” since it was part of the the revelation of the word I got at the Retreat. It really is a great book. Naturally Heather Doll has her laptop and a Doll Magazine as well… Can’t convalesce without the essentials afterall. Haha. 

This is Heather’s room that I recently reconfigured into a different space in the Doll Room. Speaking of which, I need to do an updated ‘tour’. I’ve even considered doing a video tour for my YouTube channel… So many projects, so little time! I’ll get it done some time or another. One reason I haven’t done it yet is that I am not a fan of my voice when I hear it on video or audio! Hahaha. Every time I hear it I want to apologize to the human race for having subjected them to it all my life or something. Kidding! It does sound weird to me though and so I haven’t ever ‘said’ anything in my videos. Maybe someday…

Better run… Hope this finds you enjoying health and nice weather yourself!
Till next time!

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