Dolls Attend Fancy Spring Dance!!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
Back in January, when there was still cold and snow and dark days, I looked ahead to how much fun it would be to put on a fancy Spring Dance for the Dolls when it finally warmed up. I thought about calling it a Prom… However, I go back and forth between ‘imagining’ my dolls are all ‘little girls’ and much too young for a prom as opposed to an actual ‘miniature’ of the ‘real world’ where my dolls go on dates and such…  So I am meeting in the middle and calling it a Spring Dance. 
When I imagined it, I kept thinking it would be awesome if all the girls who attended could have dates… However, I had one problem… I only own one doll tuxedo!!! Then I couldn’t even locate where I’d put it! Oy! I didn’t like the idea of having my dolls dates wearing athletic clothes or jeans either. So… What to do? I decided to just make it a dance for the girls. Maybe they attend an all girls school or something? Maybe they just wanted to dress up and have fun and kept it from being co-ed so they could really enjoy their friends company? Eh?
So I’d been playing with the idea of putting it together but nothing really caught my imagination as to how I’d create a ‘venue’ for the dance… Then last week I ran across this interesting bamboo piece… I still really have no idea what it is ‘meant’ to be? Dear reader, if you know, let me know in comments because I am really curious. I knew, however, what it was going to be in my Doll House! I’d purchased a couple of pretty backgrounds like I had in the past from eBay I thought would work for the dance months and months ago but just didn’t feel like they ‘by themselves’ made a proper background/venue. The moment I saw the bamboo item I thought of these two backgrounds and I knew they’d look awesome together!

Don’t you just love when you’re right? I had the little lanterns from a different purchase at a thrift store once…

  I just searched eBay for 20 solid minutes trying to find these exact ones for you in case you want to get same ones but no luck… Sorry about that! Who knew that eBay doesn’t keep your purchase history for more than a blink either? You’d think I’d be able to find that information… Oh well. I’ll try again to find them later but interest of finishing this post, I better wrap it up. So many things to do, so little time!

Having been a collector of 18inch dolls for a few years now, I’ve managed to collect quite a few pretty formal dresses for the girls… Don’t they all look lovely? 

I think I am going to try and find a good source for boy doll tuxedos this year so perhaps I can put together a spring dance next year that includes the guys!

I know all the photos are just in front of two different backgrounds but my ‘imagination’ was that at the dance venue they’d set up these two places for photos… Haha. I’m such a dork. But details are important! Right? 

Outta time! I posted a video of the photos too if you’re into that sort of thing but they are all the same photos you see here… It’s kind of fun to see them in a video though I think. I can put them on my HUGE TV and see all the fun details in larger than life size! Fun!
Better run!


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