Frann and Pamela Doll Visit Louisville State Recreation Area!

Hi Doll Friends!
I live in the most beautiful part of the entire USofA. Sorry, it’s just true. I’ve lived in eleven states and traveled to at least that many more, so I know a bit of what I speak. Teeheehee. Oh, ok… I know… That’s just my opinion. Which is fine because if every one in the world knew how fantastic it is here, I’d have far too many neighbors. Not to mention, while beautiful, it’s not a land for sissies! The beauty is wreaked from the extreme weather with it’s rainy thunderstormy months and it’s windy tornado-y months (where locals stand on their porch and watch for them when sirens go off) and it’s cold icy blizzardy months and it’s scorching hot, so-humid-your-eyeballs-sweat months and it’s week of Spring and Fall every year. I giggle to think hypothetical story of someone who visits during those two weeks of Spring and Fall. They fall in love with it, go home, sell their house and move here. Only to find that they could’ve vacationed here for the entirety of both of those week long ‘seasons’ and saved themselves a lot of trouble. Hahahaha! So, you have to be willing to endure some wild weather to live here. Bring it on I say! I love it all. (Well, I could do without the surface-of-the-sun temps but that’s why God gave us air conditioning, right?) I’ll stop bragging. I don’t want to sell too many people on paradise! *giggles* Can’t tell who’s in a goofy mood this morning, eh? 

One of the most beautiful places in the most beautiful place on Earth, in my opinion, is Louisville State Recreation Area. I happen to drive by there at least three or four times a week on my trip ‘into town’. So, as you may know/remember if you’ve read this blog a while, I’ve taken dolls there more than once for photos! Kristi Doll visited last April and Frann and Heather Doll visited last fall. Side note, I am just now realizing I completely forgot to make a blog post about Frann and Heather’s visit. Guess I got the video done and posted and saw something shiny and never got back to it. Oy! I am sure the photos are long since trashed off my phone. Lets just say I take my fair share of doll photos and my phone (with which I take all my photos… Maybe someday I’ll get a proper grown up camera… Hahaha) and if I kept them all I’d be out of space a long time ago. Back to the dolls…

So Pamela and Frann Doll visited last week when I was enroute… It’s pretty easy to just stop by, spend twenty minutes or so to take photos and then be on my way with no hassles. I have always gone in the middle of the week so it’s like I get the park nearly all to myself even!

I love these ‘on the dock’ photos! It’s a small fishing dock and it’s a perfect dock to take doll photos! I don’t pose them too close to the edge though because if they fell in, yuck! *shudders*

It was a gorgeous day!

I thought this photo turned out well… Not sure why I only took one at this spot in the park? It’s pretty! 

So green! There is a reason they call this region ‘the breadbasket of the world’… You could grow anything here!

So pretty!!

Found a blue spruce, my favorite evergreen tree, that was ‘doll sized’ (that’s about how big, scale wise, a full grown looks against ‘real’ people) and had to snap a photo or two!

By way, getting dolls to stand in grass is, well, tricky to say the least. And I have to admit my dislike of doll stands… I just think they look ‘creepy’ (Weekend at Bernies much?) and look lame in doll photos. (It’s like a stick is going up their back!! Yikes!!) So… What to do??

I had the idea of buying a collapsible stool to stand them on instead… It worked like a charm! Obviously you have to angle the photo right when you take it and you can’t take any photos with their feet included (unless you don’t care if you can see it). My only regret is buying only one. I think I could have a couple side by side and the dolls could post more naturally. So I’ll be keeping my eyes out for another. I got this one at Aldi a few weeks ago so I’ll have to check to see if they still have them. 
Well, I better run! I have about five different blog posts at various levels of perculation and I better go do a bit of work on them if they’re ever to see the light of day!

Have a great day!

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