JoJo Bows From Dollar General Perfect For Dolls! A Guest Post!!

Greetings And Salutations Doll Friends!!
I am so excited about this post! It’s an exciting new first at PCR American Girl Doll Blog!! We have a guest author and reviewer with a review of some lovely bows she found at Dollar General!! We will call her Dolly Friend because while she loves to share dolly information and enthusiasm, she also values her privacy. I am so glad she offered and hope she’ll do more posts in the future! I met Dolly Friend via this very blog and she and I became bosom friends almost immediately. It’s almost surreal how many things she and I have in common, in fact, and a life long love of dolls is one of them. Hip-hip-hooray for Doll Friends and for this little blog for having now found me two of my best friends in all the world. *contented sigh* As I say, I hope Dolly Friend will write photos again in the future *nudge-nudge-wink-wink* (I know she’ll read this… Heehee) because she has an amazing doll collection too and is very well informed on so many things doll related! So, I’ll finally hush and let her take over… Here is her post about ‘JoJo’ Bows she found to tell you about! 
Thanks Dolly Friend!!
Have a wonderful day!


PS Guest posts are such a fun idea that if you have some doll information you wish you could share with the world perhaps you’d like to do one too? If it’s sharing your dolly collection or one in particular or one of your favorite doll items, I just know the Doll Community would love to hear it! So, shoot me an email if that’s you! 

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