Maplelea Leonie Joins The Doll House!!

Hi Doll Friends!!
I just uploaded like five blogs worth of photos into drafts… I’ve been busy taking them but just haven’t had the time to get to computer and tell you about them. In any case, a lot to report! 
One huge happening? Maplelea Leonie joined the Doll House!! I’ve wanted Leonie for ever so long and had kind of given up ever getting her… Where a lot of the Maplelea Dolls seemed to be available on Amazon, she never seemed to be listed for some reason? Seriously, for like a year after getting my first Maplelea Doll Saila I would check to see if she would arrive. I finally ended up choosing my ‘second choice’ Charlsea (Don’t tell Charlsea! She’s lovely too!) as a twinsy doll for me and Frann because I gave up on ever being able to get her. Then… About a month ago, for some reason, (likely when I posted my Maplelea Collection post) I looked again on Amazon for Maplelea items and… Low and behold who should be there for sale? Leonie!! I immdiately bumped her to the very top of my ‘next posh doll to buy’ list!!
Then… Mother’s Day… My sweet husband asks me “So what doll do you want for Mother’s Day?” He knows me so well. It wasn’t five minutes before she was in my cart at Amazon and on way!
Since I’ve kind of told you about how lovely they are in prior posts when Saila arrived, I won’t go through it all again but… So. Top. Notch.

So the rest of this post will be photos and lots of them… She’s so beautiful! I am sure she will be great addition to the Doll House! 

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