My Life As Doll Clearance Shopping Spree At Walmart Online!

Doll Friends!
As you well know, I do a lot of shopping researching online so I can stay abreast and informed of the lastest in all things doll. It’s a labor of love and it’s all for you, dear reader!
 You’re welcome.    
Ok, maybe it’s a little bit to do with the fact that dolls are fun and they make me smile too. 
In any case, I was shopping researching recently on after seeing a few new items come out here and there at the store. Oftentimes they’ll post them online before they hit the stores even. Then sometimes they even release them at really great prices as was the case when I picked up my My Life As Doll Kitchen right as they came out in 2016 for nearly half price. So it pays to shop research often on often! So… Recently I’d gotten my ‘Doll Mad Money’ for the month and decided to do a bit of shopping research…

And I found some deals I just couldn’t pass up.

So they arrived earlier this week in a ginormous box! This photo doesn’t really convey how huge this box was…! As I type that, knowing I still have the box, it literally just popped into my head how fun it would be to turn the box into a ‘playhouse’ for the dolls… Hmmmm… That could be a hoot. I digress… 
So what did I buy? Well, I’ve been looking at this fountain since I first saw them when they came out… I wasn’t ever sure if I wanted one because, again, it’s one more thing I have to store. However, when I saw it on sale for $10.88, I decided it was certainly worth that (those cute little plants and birds are adorbs!) and I’d figure out some place to put it. Hahaha. I still need to unbox it and take some photos… Never enough play hobby time to get everything done as quickly as I’d like.
Here is the back of the box. 
Side note: Holy platform shoes Batman! Where do I get some of those for my dolls? So cute!! Not even kidding. I want!
Then for some reason this handsome fella was rolled back to only $12.88! What?! I had to do it. I knew just how I’d likely customize him since I already had Jamar at home in my MLA collection. He’s actually already been customized as I type this and if you’ve read my recent post about the dolls at the beach you might’ve even seen him. I named him Omar after one of my all time favorite TV characters. The character Omar has scar on his face and I am considering if I am going to attempt to make one on my Omar doll. I am inclined to imagine the scar happened when he was older though… Haha. I think too hard about such things. Anyway, Omar will be a great addition to the doll house! I am making him Jamar’s cousin from Baltimore in my Doll House Story. 
Here is side of his box. 
And back of his box. 
Here he is at the beach, on the far right. I changed out their swimsuits. 
Then… I noticed this beauty for only $22.00. I think she has the exact same color eyes at the JoJo Siwa My Life As Doll. I just couldn’t ever bring myself to buy that doll even though I actually knew the real Jojo when she was younger about the year before she went on the dance show… I really didn’t like the lipstick color and didn’t really want to pay extra for her since she came with a dog… Etc. However I did love her dolls eye color… So when I saw this beauty on sale for $22 and saw she had (I think) the exact same eye color as Jojo doll, I couldn’t help but buy her. I mean, that swimsuit alone is a big reason, oh my cute. 
She came with sunglasses and I thought it was funny how they put them in the box, hovering over her head. 
The next item I couldn’t pass up was this Dance Studio/Stage. For it’s original price of $35, I wasn’t ever really tempted… Just one more ‘big thing’ to store. However, when it went on sale for only $25… It became impossible to pass up. I mean the microphone and stand and boom box that actually work and cute plants and… Well… I decided I couldn’t pass it up. 
Here is how it goes together. Not to difficult, you just snap it together but you have to have quite a bit of ‘force’ to do so. I brought it to my husband had him do it for me. 
Here are the accessories it comes with… I love that the boom box works. It has two classical songs. How fun.

Here it is all set up with the accessories it comes with.

And with the mirror side…
I am so glad I bought it! It is such a great doll photo tool!! I’ve been taking photos with it the last few days and will have to come share them with you soon after I get them edited! But I think you’ll be seeing a lot of this particular doll prop. 
So it was a really fun shopping spree and I love all the stuff I got. What’s not to love about that? 
I better run! It’s Thursday! Happy Friday-Eve! It’s been a really loooong short week so I am glad we are almost to the weekend again. Eh?


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