More New York Doll Collection Striped T-shirts and Long Pants

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!
I hope you had a great weekend! I am happy to report that I did…! The weather was amazing, I got some great time with my family and had some free time to go out and take doll photos. What’s not to love about that? 

Recently I got some really great doll clothes, the N.Y. Doll Colletion T-shirts and shorts collections. I loved them so much that… Well… I had to buy the pants and the striped T-shirts collections from the NY Doll Collection too the next time I had some spare Doll Mad Money. I mean, you really can’t beat the amazing price. Ten shirts for $14.99 and ten pants for $19.99! That’s less than $2 each! Awesomeness!! Given I have over a hundred (?? Who knows, I haven’t counted in a while…) dolls, having lovely wardrobe basics like this is wonderful!

This is how they arrive from Amazon. If you have a doll themed birthday party these would make AMAZING favors. You could give each girl a ‘whole outfit’ for like $3.50!

Aren’t they pretty in the packages even?

So given the nice weather, I decided to dress up a few of the girls in some of the outfits and take them out for Doll Photos. 

Don’t they look fantastic? Leonie decided to pair her top with some of the shorts and it looked so smart and cute. Being recently moved here from Canada she said “This is summer weather! I’ll die in pants!” It was a good idea because it shows you how well all of it matches. 

Frann looked so nice in her red ensemble!

I love the black and gray that Handra is modeling looks so chic! She’s wearing a pair of the adorable mary jane shoes Frann sent me recently. Perfect match!

Debbie from The New York Doll Collection is feeling right at home in her outfit. New York Doll Collection has changed their doll style from this Lotus type but she was one of their’s originally. If you look at the models for some of their clothes and accessories you’ll see Debbie! She feels so famous! Actually, this doll looks just like my Sharon Doll but obviously Sharon was called a “My Fashion Doll”. Actually, if you look closely at Lotus Kindred Heart Doll’s Playsets, they look remarkably like New York Doll Collections play sets. So I am guessing Lotus is who makes their play sets and who used to make their dolls… Interesting!!! 

So, as per my usual, I took about a gazillion photos. It was just so pretty out and the dolls looked so cute!

I thought to bring one of my thrifted doll benches and it worked out perfectly!

Look closely (below) at Debbie Doll… She started falling backwards just as I took the photo! Kind of funny… Including it because it made me laugh. 

So if you’re looking for a great way to bulk up your dollies wardrobe, buying a few of these sets would be a great route to go!

Better run!

2 thoughts on “More New York Doll Collection Striped T-shirts and Long Pants

  1. Great weather and happy time with dolls! I'd also take my dollies to the park, but it is not easy job. Thanks for your effort and patience to make them all stand for photos.


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