City Girl Jazz by the New York Doll Collection Comes Home To The Doll House

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!
Well, I’ve done it again... Yes… I have added another doll to the Doll House. I couldn’t help it really. I had a bit of a windfall of money outside of my normal Doll Mad Money Budget and I’d recently watched a review on Kewpie83’s YouTube channel about a new line of dolls called City Girls. 
So I put the doll line on my short list after her good recommend… They are a bit on the high end of the 18inch doll market as far as price goes…. $69.99 plus shipping. Still I trust Kewpie83 and I loved how she mentioned that they are very ‘sturdy’ dolls. I love dolls like that, such as American Girl, Adora and Maplelea. They’ve just got a ‘weight’ to them that makes them feel more sturdy, like Kewpie83 mentioned. Don’t get me wrong, I love all my dolls but I really do enjoy the ones that feel like they would last through, like, nuclear war, or something. (Kidding!! Are nuclear war jokes out of fashion…? As a person who lived during the Cold War they have been in my venacular so long that I forget sometimes some people shudder and take such things so seriously… Oy! I just spend a couple of sentences explaining a joke… What’s the world coming to? My dolls have more chutzpah than some people and their ‘sensitivity’ about every single thing. Blah. I digress….. I think I need a safe space. Hahahaha)
So my only dilimma when I decided to purchase one was which one to pick. I was torn between three of them. I loved Harper, the one in Kewpie83’s video but also loved Jazz and Brooklyn! So I decided I’d read their little stories and decide which intrigued me most and decide that way. Well… Little Miss Jazz’s story is that she is from Austrailia and moved to New York City with her parents for her fathers job. That was it. She was the one. I am not sure if you’ve read this blog long or if I’ve ever mentioned it here on my little doll blog but the only constant in my life as a child was change. Change change change. We moved every year or so… I went to many different schools in many different states. I went to three different fifth grades in two different states for instance. So my point is it always resonates with me when I read a little story about a kid who has to move. Then Jazz being from Australia? That clinched it. I absolutely adore Olivia Newton John and when I was a little girl I wanted to BE her. Heck, I still do. She’s so pretty and sings so lovely. My very first record was one of hers even. So, two reasons Jazz was my choice. 
She arrived pretty quickly… Here she is in her box. I would go through a more detailed review here if Kewpie83 hadn’t already done such a bang up job of showing what these dolls are like. I am never one to want to re-invent the wheel if you know what I mean. So I will just have to say I agree with her, she’s very well made… I love her outfit!!
Back of box shows all the dolls available. Maybe someday Harper will find her way here? You never know!
So, of course, I had to make a little progressive photos story of her homecoming. Right?
Debbie (who is the older style New York Doll Collection doll by way), Carla, Claretta and Saige were the welcoming committee this time… 
Jazz loved the striped ensembles the older girls were all wearing… She said as much and they all agreed she must find a similar outfit and change immediately. Who wants to wear their ‘meet outfit’ any longer than they have to? 
“We have red and pink clean here in the drawer… Which would you like?”
“I love the color red! I’ll take these!!”
She fits right in!
The older girls all decided to take a walk in the park since it was such a beautiful day!
I made a video of the same (with more pictures included…) if you’d like to see it here is the link
So I am really happy that Jazz joined the doll house. After she arrived, when I got a look at her in person, I still really loved her but… I only have one ‘complaint’ and it’s nothing really ‘wrong’ just a preference. Her wig… The way it’s designed, every other layer of hair is a ‘short’ layer. I am sure this is to add volume or something? But right next to her bangs, if you look closely, you can see evidence of the ‘wig cap’ and… Well…. Not my favorite look. It really is a preference thing though, there are other brand of dolls who have same style. So… Little Miss Jazz will, in all likelihood, end up getting new hair at some point or another. Cos… Ya’ll know me. I can’t help but customize a doll if I think another look would suit her/him better. 
I have to run… Do any of you have a City Girl? I’d love to hear about her and what you think!
Till Next Time!


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