Doll Thrifting Recently! What Did I Buy? What Did I Leave Behind?

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
Thrifting! One of my favorite ways to shop! It’s like going on a treasure hunt where you know you might find a treasure every single time you walk in to the store. Like even a day after you’ve been there! Cos you just never know who is going to donate what. Addictive even, just a little. Luckily it’s also not too expensive. Much less dangerous than being addicted to the mall or Target stores (you know who you are! LOL No judgement, we all have our thing!). So what have I spotted recently? 

More beautiful yet forlorn and forsaken porcelain dolls. They don’t fair well at Goodwill or thrift stores unless they are purchased quickly. One of the very reasons I am not fond of them is that they are so fragile! A fragile toy….? Just never made sense to me. But some of their face sculpts are rather breathtaking and/or adorable. So I photo the ones I find most interesting such as those above. I really like the middle two girls (in white and pink) in the top photo. If they were made of vinyl, they’d be in the Doll House right now. So pretty! The one on the far left in the top is also adorable. Such a shame. 

Another doll stylist chair. I picked it up and walked around with it in my cart (It was only marked $1.99) but I ultimately put it back. I have two stylist chairs already and I STILL haven’t made a Beauty Parlor post so… I guess I don’t need a third. I need to get on that Beauty Parlor post, speaking of. Always so many things to do! 

I didn’t even take him off the shelf. I have four large horses and more ponies than that. No! Don’t touch it!! Hahaha!
Another cute chair…. But I have loads and loads of chairs… 

I liked this little chest and how it had feet but forced self not even pick it up. I only have so much room!
This beauty, however, went directly into the buggy. I love it. Can’t wait to show you the end result… Just need to get photos done. I’ll link back when I do (if I remember… If I don’t leave a comment and I’ll come back and do so…) 

This handbag had to happen. So cute!

This ‘window’ came home for a project too…

It had a little wood angel sitting on the stoop but I pulled it off for my project before I thought to photo. Sometimes I just set right to work! Teehee. Again, I’ll have to link back to show you what I did with it. 

Uh Oh. Um… Yeah… So… I couldn’t help it!! I bought every single thing except the My Life As Spinning closet. I ultimately decided I didn’t have room for it and didn’t think it would be all that good for doll photos and such anyway. Even though it was only $1.99. I literally walked around for about 20 mins deliberating… And, to be honest, waiting to make sure any more of the rest of whomever donated these amazing items might’ve donated more! Hahaha. The Our Gen Ice Cream Truck was only marked $5.99. It was marked ‘as-is’ so I assume they thought something was wrong with it? But I couldn’t find a thing wrong…. Who knows? The jeep was marked $7.99 and the little My Life As fella was $1.99. SUCH A SCORE on all THREE! I’ve since made quite a few photos and YouTube Videos with the food truck and the jeep. They are going to be so much fun! My husband was a bit taken aback when he saw them… They are huge. Luckily we have a rather large (unfinished) basement where we can store big stuff like this when we are not using it. I think I am going to have to build a few shelves down there. Teehee.
Better run!

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