Dolls Take An Early Morning Walk At The Park!

Hi Doll Friends,
One of my favorite aspects of my little Doll Hobby is becoming Doll Photography. I just find it so much fun!! The last few weeks have finally been nice weather wise and so I’ve been going out every chance I get to take photos of dolls having adventures outside. We will blink and it’ll be blizzardy and cold out again so… Gotta enjoy the weather outside while it’s nice!
So the other morning, right before dawn was forecast by my phone, I took some of the Dolls to the park in town… I think I got some great shots. I got a few strange looks from the handful of joggers who were also out that early but… It was worth it. Teehee.
Here they are at the very beginning of the walk. Notice the ‘park bench’? That’s mine obviously… It’s become one of my favorite props to bring along for outdoor park photos. It makes it look, I think, like it’s a doll sized park because the benches are all the right size. I move it around obviously but… Benches are usually uniform in a park and so it works. 

As you can see, the park lights were still on when we arrived… So pretty!

“Which way should we go first? There are so many great walking paths!”

Another thing I’ve started to love doing is to make videos out of said doll photos… I made one from these actually, and about 50-75% more photos. I don’t want to post so many here on the blog, so I posted my favorites and enough to give you the ‘story’. If you’d like to see the video you can find it here: Dolls Take Early Morning Walk At The Park

So I hope you enjoy looking at the photos as much as I enjoy taking them. Maybe someday I’ll get a fancy camera… Although the camera on my iPhone is likely 10x better than my first digital camera so, it’s all relative isn’t it? 

Oh! I guess I should mention who was along for the walk in case you aren’t familiar with my dolls… Left to right is: Jazz (City Girl by NY Doll Collection), Juliet (Our Generation), Nadine (Creatology Modern Girls) and Carla (Customized Paola Reina)

I better run… Have a great week!

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