American Girl Doll Molly Scenes & Settings eBay Find!!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!

Oh my goodness! I am so excited about my most recent eBay treasure find!! I’ve been coveting several of the American Girl Doll Scene’s and Settings background books for, well, as long as I’ve known they even existed. They don’t make them anymore and they are really large and therefore expensive to ship in the rare instance that they even show up on eBay. Being as they are made out of cardboard, albeit very sturdy cardboard, I am sure quite a few of them got damaged and/or *gulp* thrown away by their original owners. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that many people in the world see dolls as ‘just any other toy’ and many people just toss out toys when their kids don’t play with them anymore. So…. Suffice to say the Scenes & Settings are rare and expensive. Still…. I kept them on my watchlist on eBay just in case. You know, for research purposes and all… Teehee. Then, a week or so ago what did I see on eBay? A Molly Scenes and Settings that was in a price range I could afford and better still? Shipping that wasn’t totally insane! I snatched it up before I could change my mind or someone else could buy it (it was even on a Buy-It-Now at the good price?! Woot!). It arrived yesterday and I love love love it. Now I want ALL the Scenes & Settings!! But for now, here is the one I found.

Here is Diane Doll modeling the front cover background… So realistic!! Diane Doll is who I kind of bought the Molly Scenes&Setting ‘for’. Diane Doll is a doppelganger of my Mom and the 1940s are when she was born… So she always loved that era of decorations. So, these are perfect for her!

I just took a few photos on the fly… I am sure I’ll get better ones going foward with better lighting and such… But aren’t they fabulous??

I love love love the kitchen!!

So I look forward to many many doll stories being told with these backgrounds!! Do any of you have any of the AG Scenes & Settings? I’d love to see your photos!


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