Our Generation Doll Ice Cream Truck and Jeep Goodwill Scores!!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
As I mentioned in my last post, I recently got a couple of amazing things at Goodwill. I had a reader exclaim the other day “You have such amazing thrift stores!” and I can’t disagree. Something about living in a large metropolitan area in the midwest I guess… The land of plenty, really, and people are generous, even with their ‘cast off’ toys. There’s more than one reason I think I live in paradise and that’s one of them. I jokingly say “There are three amazing malls in the city and all three of them are constantly feeding the Goodwill stores”. It’s the truth, really. Trust me, I understand the difference between good thrift stores and Goodwill’s and bad ones. I have two decent cized cities within an hours drive of where I live… One of them has amazing, clean, well run Goodwill stores. The other? Not so much. I literally don’t even bother to drop into the Goodwill stores in the off chance I am in the ‘other’ city. Their stuff looks like leftovers from a pretty dirty garage sale and they mark it like they think they are TJ Maxx or something. Um. No. So… I am sorry to boast and gush about my ‘finds’ sometimes knowing that many of my readers don’t have access to such amazing thrift stores… But on the other hand I want to encourage people to ‘always look’ for second hand items because, well, they are out there and it’s a great way to get doll items you want without breaking the bank.
 *looks at the last paragraph and wonders where that came from*
Golly I talk a lot… On to the ‘finds’!

This little Ice Cream Truck is a case of me getting something I never even knew I wanted until I owned it. It is so utterly cool!! It is in perfect shape other than not having come with any of the small accessories (food etc.). The steering wheel, when it turns, engages the ‘turn signal’ lights, it plays ‘ice cream truck’ music, it has working headlights, it has break lights that work when you mash the break pedal! On and on with the cool cool cool! I’d give you a ‘full review’ of all the coolness but, you know me, I don’t like to reinvent the wheel… American Girl Idea’s Video about the truck will show you much better than I can tell you about how amazing this truck is. 

So here is the truck after I got it home, outside my garage…

Isn’t it nifty?? 
I decided I’d make a little story about Myfanwy Doll buying the truck. My friend Myfanwy is an amazing cook and we’re always joking with her that she should open a diner or something… So when I was puzzling which of my dolls should own the food truck (because I am going to make mine a food truck, not just ice cream) I immediately thought it would be awesome to have it be Myfanwy. Perfect!

In my little Doll Story, I had David play the ‘seller’ be the seller of the food truck. Kevin, Myfanwy’s beau, and Kevin, Heather’s beau, came a long to look over the mechanics of the truck. 
Josh is a mechanical genius and looks over the truck very carefully… 

And everything seems to be in order! 
“I’ll take it!” Myfanwy said to David. She sealed the deal with a handshake.

“I own my own business!!” 

“Congrats babe” Kevin said to Myfanwy

Now it’s time to clean it up and get it ready to roll!!
((I also got a Jeep at Goodwill and this is where I am entering it into the story. Teehee))

Josh and Heather brought along a brand new air freshener for the truck when they came to help clean it well for it’s grand opening!

“Thanks guys!!” Myfanwy said. 

Heather and Myfanwy set to work cleaning inside. 

Josh and Kevin added window cleaner to the windshield wipers and checked the oil and air in the tires.

When the guys had finished the mechanical stuff they took a little ride on the motorcycles while the girls finished up the cleaning. 

When you own your own food truck, you have to do windows!

Soon enough it was all spruced up and time for a refreshing drink. 

“We’re all done! Did ya’ll have a good ride?” asked Heather.

“Yes, it was fantastic! Lets go get a bite to eat at Calla’s Diner! My treat to celebrate your new business!” said Josh. 

“Great idea! Let’s go!” 

“Stay tuned for the next episode of “Dolls Days Of Our Lives” said the announcer. 
Wanna see the story as a YouTube video with more photos included? Here is Part One: Myfanwy Buys A Food Truck and here is Part Two: Friends Clean Up Myfanwy’s Food Truck.
Better run!


2 thoughts on “Our Generation Doll Ice Cream Truck and Jeep Goodwill Scores!!

  1. Hello. I just found your blog and have been reading a bunch of your posts. I was really into dolls especially American Girl as a kid and only put them in their boxes when I turned 18 and we moved. They (Samantha, Molly, Kirsten and my mini me) have been waiting for me ever since. My daughter is 6 now and really getting into dolls but is not ready to care for my vintage dolls yet but I look forward to sharing them with her. She does have a rather large collection of dolls (for a 6 year old anyway) including 4 OG girls, 2 OG boys, 1 my life Jojo Siwa (her idol), 1 glitter girls doll, 1 older Battat doll (changed from a girl into a boy) and her newest doll is a goodwill Rebecca (that I completely overhauled and restrung her limbs) renamed Kali after her because she looks just like my daughter only my daughter has longer hair. I built her a huge shelving unit that I am slowly converting into a massive doll house and filling with furniture as I can afford it. It is something we really enjoy doing together and I love finding new ways of using things I find for her dolls. I also got very interested in customizing dolls and many of her dolls mentioned above have new wigs or facepaint. I think we have a lot in common and I will enjoy reading your blog and looking at your pictures. I also love photography and after many years of wanting one I got my first DSLR camera for Christmas this year. I have been taking lots of cute pictures of her dolls also. I would love to share some of my photos and ideas with you if you would like. Have a wonderful day. Angela


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