I Won City Girls Harper Doll By New York Doll Collection!!!! So Exciting!!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
I won a beautiful City Girls Harper by New York Doll Collection!! I think it’s the first contest I’ve ever won and I couldn’t be more thrilled. About a month ago I was browsing in Instgram, looking at Doll Photos as I tend to do… Research is much easier on the pocketbook there rather than eBay. Teehee. Anyway, one of the Instagram accounts I subscribe to is City Girls by New York Doll Collection and they posted this photography contest to possibly win a City Girls Doll!! The only stipulation was that you needed to have something from thier line of dolls and/or doll items in the photo(s). No problem! I already had the awesome striped t-shirts and long pants and the plain tshirts and shorts so I dressed some of my dolls and took some photos… 
The contest was supposed to be over on May 22nd and I got an entry in that I thought was pretty good… But then they extended it and I had, at that point, decided to buy Jazz and so I would have her by the new deadline! Woot! So… I took some more photos with her in them when she arrived. There were some pretty amazing entries by the time the contest ended…
I won!!!! 
*jumps up and down like I am the next contestant on the Price Is Right*
I got to pick whichever doll I wanted and I decided to choose beautiful Harper. In short order, before I even expected her to, she showed up on my door step. 

I absolutely LOVE her!! She is so so gorgeous! I also love City Girls Dolls by now having had Jazz in the house a while. They are literally one of the sturdiest, best made doll lines I’ve come across. Right up there with American Girl and maybe even better now that AG has gotten a bit cheap in the cloth they use to make the torso of their dolls. Trust me, they are made well!
Here she is in her very sturdy box. Seriously, a good box to store dolls in if you’re one who keeps boxes for such things… 

Here is Jazz welcoming her home! Jazz was super stoked to have her friend from New York come to live at the Doll House!! They’d met a few times in New York even though they were from different parts of the city and so Jazz was looking forward to becoming even better friends. 

I wish I had more time to gush about how much I love her but… If I am going to make it to church on time, I better hush. I did make a YouTube Video about her homecoming but it’s 10mins long and so may never load. I am so enjoying making ‘doll movies’ on YouTube. I kind of make them as much or myself as anyone else honestly. It’s so fun to take doll photos, make them into a movie and then watching them on the 52inch TV as I do other things… (think screensaver) It’s inspires me to take better and better doll photos. 

I am so super thrilled to have her though! She will always be a cherished doll because I won her and that’s a pretty rare thing! Thanks City Girls Dolls! What a great contest!! Ya’ll rock!!

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