Maplelea Friend Comes Home To The Doll Village!

Doll Friends,
I am weak! Every time I get money to spend on myself I can’t help but buy more dolls and or doll related items. But you know this. So… It is what it is I guess right? Everyone has their ‘thing’. Why do you suppose it is that I, and so many adult doll collectors, feel the need to explain or justify our hobby over and over again? I have many friends who spend large sums of money on LuLaRoe leggings or Sephora makeup or Coach handbags or whatever… They don’t seem to feel the need to justify or explain their excitemed gushing over thier purchases. Don’t get me wrong, I am not judging those particular preferences at all. To each their own… But I just wish we lived in a world where collecting dolls, which are literally made to make people happy, is looked on as just a little bit ‘strange’. Whatever… Where did that paragraph come from? Defensive much Heather? Haha. Not trying to be! I love my dolls and I embraced not caring what other people think about me a long long time ago or I wouldn’t be able to just march into any given mall or museum and take doll photos with reckless abandon, eh? Let the people stare. Heehee. 
On to the doll talk. So what was my most recent doll mad money purchase?

This beautiful girl right here. She is a Maplelea Friends Doll and I love love love love love her. She’s going to be Saila’s sister in the Doll Village. Doll village you say? Well, I was talking to my daughter last night about the blog and the members of the Doll House… She glanced over at my doll horde collection and said “Um Mom, I think you’ve gone beyond a Doll House… I think it’s more of a Village by now” and we both giggled with mirth. 

In Saila’s story, she has three sisters… I can’t decide which I am going to name her after… She has an older sister who’s college aged and two younger sisters. I may just have to put all three names in a hat and pull one out to decide? Or maybe I’ll put it to a vote!! Hmmm…. If I do, I’ll come back and link ot the voting or let you know to leave a comment or something!

I am almost out of my ‘early morning me time’ and so I’ll just have to let you look at the pictures I took of Saila ‘meeting’ her sister arriving… I am sure they will have many many more adventures together in the Doll House Village City Country. 

Gotta run! 
Till next time!


*UPDATE August 29, 2018*

I named her Meeka! Just wanted to let you know!

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