One Sheep, Two Sheep… And a Goat For Good Measure…

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!
Well, you can’t very well have a calf and not have sheep and a goat to keep her company now can you? So… How could I not?
I didn’t realize it when I bought them but apparently the goat is named Empress and she, Kam and Loops (the sheep) are pets of Charlsea… Or I would’ve had her at the box opening along with Saila and her sister. Oh well, she will have plenty of time to spend with them going forward, right? 

This is what they looked like inside the box.

“They are so cute!!!” 

So no wonder Charlsea was so totally elated to see them when she walked in… I think they were pretty happy to see her as well. 

We are going to have so much fun with all our new animals!!

“I can’t wait to tell you all about them!!” said Charlsea.

They also came with some journal pages about them to add to Charlsea’s journal. 

Aren’t they sweet?

Better run.

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