Posh Furniture Goodwill Score! A Fold Out Couch, Table, Chair and Dresser For Less Than $20!

Doll Friends!
I know I should stop going to Goodwill. I have way too many an abundance of doll items and don’t need any more… Probably ever. Then again, need is a relative thing right? I digress. As I said, I should probably stop thrifting and Goodwill shopping. But… 
How. Can. I. Stop. When. They. Get. Such. Amazing. Stuff. In. Every. Single. Day? 
and they so totally do… You’ve seen some of the fantastically amazing deals I’ve gotten… So, every single time I am in the vicinity of a Goodwill, I can’t help but think that my next McKenna or Felicity/Prism or bunk bed or vintage American Girl Doll clothes sets or Our Generation Camper or Our Generation Kitchen or Our Generation Doll Bed or Our Generation Ice Cream Truck and Jeep or….. Well… You get the idea. 

I try to just look away when I see large horses. I may or may not have five already…

I have two white horses… They are different types though! LOL

Chairs…. I have thing for doll chairs… I have a few… Teehee… So I try to walk away from them too…

Ouch! I want this chair! But I already own it…. But… wait… 

There was something buried under all these forlorn and forgotten porcelain dolls… See below…

Some of their faces are rather cute…

And some… well…. Less cute… Wait… What’s that table??

I found a couch and chair and table next but didn’t think to photo them while still on shelf… I was too busy chucking them into my shopping buggy!! Teehee, you’ll see them below. This little fella’s costume was totally amazing. If I didn’t know it’d be a bit too big for 18inch dolls I might’ve bought him just for his costume. Teehee. 

A chair I decided to leave there. 

Another chair I left there…

Another dresser I left there. I liked the legs though…
Just to show you I don’t buy every single doll I see, here is one I left for some other lucky little girl. I had her in my cart for a few minutes because this is the one Springfield doll I don’t have and she’d have made a great boy doll but….. I recently did an inventory of dolls and lets just say I need to stop bringing home all of the dolls I find. Teehee.

Here is the AMAZING couch I found in that bin… It was only marked $7.99 and I am convinced if it hadn’t been covered by the forlorn porcelains, it wouldn’t have been there for me to buy. So glad I always go check out the forlorn porcelains!!

See? Amazing!

Here is the table and the chair I mentioned, they were also in the bin. 

Only $3.99 each!!! Wowzers! How could I not?!

This one was found out amoungst the shelves and I didn’t photograph it before I put it in my buggy. Isn’t it awesome?!

What was I saying about not buying any more large horses… Well I shouldn’t be buying any more ponies either because I have, like, four of them already too… Teehee… But… How cute was this little fella for only 99cents? I couldn’t help myself. I don’t have any gray horses or ponies!

He is pretty scuffed but…. We will see what we can do…

Here is Audrey on the couch… Guess what… It folds out! I didn’t realize it until I had already taken the photos so I’ll have to show you a bit later… Isn’t it fabulous!??!?

Also ran by Target… Look at the grills in Dollar section.

CUTE!! Maybe someday….

Such cute shoes too but… I passed on them… I did get….

This Lori doll…. Cos she is SO ADORABLE. We also ran by Micheal’s and for some reason these doll boots were on clearance for $1.97. So I bought the only two they had left. Cute right?

So… I might need to build a bigger house if I keep going to Goodwill Stores…
But I’ll have the coolest Doll House I could even imagine!
Better run!
Happy Friday! 

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