Welcome Joe! A New Custom My Life As Doll Boy Doll Moves To Doll Village!

Hi Doll Friends!
I recently found a doll at Goodwill who’d been, well, let’s just say she’d had a hard go at life thus far…. Being as she was only $1.98, I couldn’t help but bring her home to see what I could do. 

Here she is as I found her (well, she was naked a jaybird but I had to give her some dignity!). The photo doesn’t really show you how much of a mess she was. She was very dirty all over her skin and had ink marks of various colors all over her poor little body. No matter, we’ll fix that.

As I was considering her hair, being in a tangled mess as it was, I started musing which doll wig I might change her to… Didn’t want to take the time and patience it entails to sort her hair out if I ultimately was just going to chop it all off. Eh? So I studied her face and then studied my ‘list’ of people I’ve been intending to make a doppelganger doll of and… Suddenly it occured to me who she’d be perfect as! And it meant she was going to become a he… So from this point in this blog and going forward I plan to use his new pronoun. Just to keep you from being confused. 

See that hair? I’ve seen worse but… Still, why do work if you’re going to just cut it all off, eh? I decided that, since I knew it was all coming off anyway, for that to be the first thing I did…

Just trying to show you how dirty he was when I found him. 

Here he is with his first application of zit cream… Zit cream you ask? If you have ink stains on a doll that won’t budge any other way, this oftentimes will get them off. You slather zit cream onto the ink stain and put doll into the sun. I happened to have an overcast day when I wanted to clean him up and so I put him under my Ott light, really close and… It seemed to work! I am sure the actual sun would be more effective faster but, hey, in a pinch you improvise, eh?

You may notice the super-duper-close shave on most of his head? I got a fantastic idea from a great doll friend and reader to use disposal razors to ‘shave’ off the short hairs and it worked like a charm… I still needed to trim the ones by his ears but I got them later…

I got his wig from Lolly Lu Stephens that I’d purchased for a ‘Joe’ doll a while ago, just waiting for him to show up. LOL I also trimmed his eyelashes just a bit… 

Welcome to the Doll House Village Joe! Isn’t he fantastic? He’s made after my brother in law and so it’s perfect because he has the same sculpt as Josh but blue eyes. Perfect!!

So, when you see him out and about in the Doll House Village, you’ll know who he is. 

Better run!

One thought on “Welcome Joe! A New Custom My Life As Doll Boy Doll Moves To Doll Village!

  1. What a handsome fellow you have there! I'm on the lookout myself for a suitable doll just aching to become a boy (I only have Henry, a My Life As actual boy doll). Someday, he'll show up. 🙂


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