Dolls Visit Becky’s Barn!!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!
Recently some livestock arrived at the Doll House Village! Yes indeed, we got a calf named Patches, some sheep named Kam and Loops and a goat named Empress. They are so adorable! I also recently got this fabulous “Riding in Style” Our Generation equestrian outfit for my doll Becky… So naturally I had to put them all together and show you Becky’s Barn! 
I actually posted the video Visiting Becky’s Barn YouTube like a week ago… I am just getting this blog post written and out of drafts today, a week and a day later. There are many different aspects to blogging and sometimes they don’t all come together in as timely manner as I’d like. *sigh* Oh well, it’s that that keeps me chomping at the bit and continually doing ‘just a little something’ doll during nearly all my free time. Even when I am watching something (like a movie or a YouTube) I will bring a doll or five to the couch with me and change their clothes and style their hair. So I probably have about five blog posts always actively being worked on at any given moment… I am rambling. Back to Becky’s Barn!

So I used a couple of different backdrops together to make the walls and stalls of the barn. I think that they worked out perfectly! With the American Girl Doll stable and the many horses and ponies I’ve found in the last few years, it looked pretty realistic! So much fun!
Here is Mia Sara with her beloved horse Cocoa.

Jazz, Meeka and Charlsea all loved coming to the barn!

Becky is so full of knowledge about horses and ponies!

Shara is grooming her beautiful white horse…

The rest of the story will have to be told in photos because I am out of time for now…

I hope this finds you having a fantastic Friday! Or whatever day of the week you happen to drop by!

3 thoughts on “Dolls Visit Becky’s Barn!!

  1. Hi, I am from Belgium. I really like your dollcollection and the beautiful pictures you make from your dolls. I can see you love dolls very much. So do I… although I am 55 years old. I enjoy your blog and you give me new ideas how to even more enjoy my dolls. So, thank you for that…


  2. Hello! How wonderful to hear from you! My folks lived in Belgium for 12 years while my Dad worked at Nato so it actually doesn't feel all that 'far away' to me. 🙂 Aren't dolls magic? I do indeed love them and it's so wonderful to finally find friends who understand! 🙂 Doll friends are the best!! Have a great weekend! I'd love to hear from you again. What's your first name? ❤


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