Calendar Pages As Doll Photography Backgrounds!

Greetings And Salutations Doll Friends!
Do you ever get an idea that, when it pops into your head, you think “Why on earth didn’t I think of that before?” because it’s so simple? Well, case in point? A while ago I bought two ‘scenery’ calendars on sale for 25c each on clearance at Dollar Tree. My daughter was all like “Why do you need those?!” but my idea was to make backgrounds for my small dolls (my dolls dolls) and make a story about Heather and Frann Doll taking ‘doll photography’ of their own dolls. Fast forward to this weekend after I’d finally found the ‘mini’ tri-fold boards again, also at the Dollar Tree (they don’t always have the mini ones), last week. I pulled out the calendars and made a little background scene… Then, as I was putting the calendars away, I thought “I bet if I just take a head shot, at least of the smaller dolls, it’d look like they were in the scene. So I had to try it out. I used my beautiful Paola Reina dolls because they are a bit smaller and I thought would work best. And………

They worked like a charm!! 
I may have gone a bit overboard in taking photos… But how could I not?! It’s like I was able to send Hekele to Hawaii for a week and she got all maner of good vacation photos! (Ok, she didn’t change clothes at all but…) 

Isn’t it pretty?! I think it looks very much like she’s on the beach. 

Obviously I couldn’t take ‘full body shots’ because the photo from the calendar wasn’t big enough but oftentimes people take photos from the torso up so… Small detail really. 
I forgot to take photos of the actual calendars to show you… I’ll have to do that a bit later and update. 

Carla went to the beach as well but I also sent her all around the rest of the country! Heeheehee…

So many beautiful places she got to visit. 

I mean, who wouldn’t want to go on a vacation like this?

From sea to shining sea as the say…

But much less time and effort spent traveling. Perfect!

Gorgeous right?

I thought they looked so much like ‘picture post cards’ that I figured I’d just go ahead and make one!

So, if you’re out and about and find some cheap calendars with pretty pictures in them, you might pick them up and send your pretty dollies on vacation as well!

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