Thrift Store Find! Dogs and Chickens For The Dolls!

Doll Friends!
When you’ve been a doll collector for a while, like I have, you begin to see everything in the world ad a possible ‘doll item’ if it’s the right size/scale. So, when I am at the Thrift Store I always check the ‘toy’ area for doll sized items but I also always scan the other shelves for items that look like they’d fit in to the Doll House Village. So, on Friday I was in our local thrift store when I spotted the amazing dog you see in the middle of the photo (above). He was only marked 75cents! He’s made out of ‘resin’ (I think that’s the right name) and not porcelain, so he’s actually not all that fragile either. I am reasonably sure he’s not ‘meant’ for dolls, but rather as a figurine to sit on a shelf or something. No matter, I knew he’d be he perfect size for the dolls and he looks so much more realistic than any of my ‘stuffed’ pets, even the really posh American Girl Doll ones. Sweet! So… I put him right into my buggy! Then, I spotted three more dogs!! One was a sleeping puppy and the other two were just smaller type dogs but also in perfect scale for the dolls!! Nice!! Better still? The smaller ones were only 25cents each! Score!

Don’t mind the weird photo of Kristi Doll standing on a bench in front of the Doll House living room… LOL I just wanted to take a quick photo right after getting them home so I wouldn’t forget that part as I often tend to do… This was the the easiest place to take a quick photo. 

So I keep walking… Then, in a totally different part of the store, I ran across the rooster and chickens!! I think they might the tiniest bit too small, scale wise, for the dolls but… Whatever?! Nearly perfect! And check out the ‘nest’ (roost? same thing? I am not a chicken person) in the middle! The little chicken to the right of it sits on the eggs! 

See? How cute is that? And look a the other chicken:

You can ‘open’ her egg box/nest and see the eggs below! How fun!? I think I will be able to make some pretty cute photos of dolls in Becky’s Doll Barn gathering eggs from the hens. This will be perfect for a doll who is actually on her way to the Doll House Village… Nudge nudge wink wink. How’d you like that hint about an upcoming new member of the Doll House Village? Heehee. She’s traveling across both space and time!! Haha. Any guesses who she might be? You’ll find out soon enough, she’ll be here on Tuesday! 

So Brandi Doll and Kristi Doll welcomed the new dogs to the Doll House! First they took them out to the park to let them get run around… 

Aren’t they cute?

I may or may not have taken a few photos with them. LOL I may or may not have even made a YouTube Video of them. 

Then I ‘brought them inside’ to Frann’s Kitchen… As you can see, we left the little puppy sleeping because we simply could not wake him up. Heeheehee. 

Look! The larger dog, whom I’ve named Nanook (yes I know he’s not even the right breed but you can name a dog after anyone and I am sticking with it!) can hold the rope!! Good boy!

Pro and Smooshy are what my husband named the these two. Haha. I love it. 

I may or may not have put a bit of tape on Smooshy’s mouth to hold the rope too. CUTE!!

This little fella can sleep thru anything apparently. 

I can’t even recall now if I’ve shown you the set from Pet Care Set from Our Generation in a post? I mean, like, made a post about it? I’ve used it for photos a couple of times but I just looked and couldn’t track down a link to where I showed it to ya’ll? In any case, that’s where the cute dog accessories you saw in this post are from. I got it late last year when Target had a huge sale… Like all Our Generation sets, it’s top-notch and adorable and worth every cent if you want to take dog photos with your dolls! 
So… Going forward you can bet I am going to be paying closer attention in the ‘figurine’ aisles at the thrift store. I may even go seeking out a few specific breeds of dogs in this type of figurine and pay real prices because… Oh. My. Cute!
Better run, time to get ready for church!
Have a fantastic day!

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