Goin’ To The Chapel And We’re Gonna Get Married…

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!
So early July marks my wedding anniversary with my favorite person in all the world! Josh and I have been together since we were kids and I’ll love him till I die and in Heaven too. He’s my best blessing from God and that’s saying something because I feel pretty blessed. So… Naturally I had to do some ‘wedding’ photos of Josh and Heather Doll. I have, in my mind, an elaborate wedding ceremony including all their cherished people but…. Alas… I only have one tuxedo… LOL My plan, over the next year, is to buy much more formal wear for my boy dolls so my poor little gals can have dates for Prom Spring Dance next year too. So… Maybe I’ll pull off the ‘big wedding’ next year. As it is, this wedding, in my imagination, was a bit of a take on Norman Rockwell’s Marriage License, pretending that Josh and Heather Doll couldn’t wait to tie the knot and so just did a court house wedding. Teehee. Isn’t imagination fun? 
So… Here are my photo’s from the ‘wedding’. Just the happy couple this time around… Like I say, next year there will totally be a wedding party and likely a big one because Josh and Heather Doll have loads of loved ones in the Doll House Village! 
Till Next Time!



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