Thrifty Shopping Score! Better Beauty Cases For Doll Accessories!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
Do you ever find something and wonder “How did I live without this in my life so far?” because it’s just so handy and perfect for what you need it for? Well, I was lucky enough to come across one of those finds this week at Goodwill. I always keep my eyes open for all manner of things but one of those things is “shiny and new looking” no matter what it is. If it looks like it’s brand spanking new, I’ll pick it up and look at it. Cos, well, you never know. So when I saw these shiny and new looking purple bags, I picked one up… After I realized what it was and how cool it was, I grabbed up the other two before anyone else had a chance to see them. 

Side note: You have to be ruthless at Thrift Stores! If you’re not sure if you want something, pick it up anyway and put it in your shopping buggy. You can always change your mind but if you leave it on the shelf, it’s gone 9 times out of 10 when you decide you want it and go back to look… Word to the wise… I’d know from experience. Eh?

What did I find exactly? Well, I’d never heard of them before but they are called “Better Beauty Cases” by Joy Mets. Obviously they are made for makeup and beauty products but… They will be perfect for doll accessories too!! They were brand spanking new and marked $3.99 for large and $2.99 each for other two! So for $9.99 I got all three! Score!!

See, you open them up and there are all these smaller zippered pouches inside each one.The coolest part being that they have velcro on the back of each pouch so you can just grab one of them and not have to take the whole case… Handy! Also you can see at a glance what is in each one and only open the zipper to the pouch you want to get something out of instead of rifling through some big bag. You, I am sure, are clever enough to imagine how handy this will be for doll items!
 I plan to use the smallest one for my dolls eye-glasses. I am forever forgetting to even put eye-wear on my dolls because they are all in a box in a shelf and I tend to forget I even have them until I am done with half a photo shoot! It will be much easier to remember them if I put the ‘eye glasses case’ with the other doll accessories as a visual reminder to take care of my dollies eye health. 

The largest case will hold my doll socks! I’ve never ever found a good solution to storing doll socks and this will be perfect because I will be able to sort them by type and color and not have to rifle through a huge bin of socks to find the two I need. 
I plan to use the mama-sized medium sized bag for my ‘misc’ doll accessories… Think ‘long fancy evening gloves’ and doll scarves and such… I am so excited to be more organized and know all of the items I put in these cases will be used more often for my having easy access to them. 
Sweet! Right?

And… Here’s what I didn’t buy but had to show you… So I can show you that I don’t buy every single doll or doll related item I find. I thought this OG doll was cute and in great shape (Her hair is amazing shape for textured/curly hair on a Goodwill doll!). However, I just had a bit of a doll purge (maybe I’ll make a post about that soon…) and more than one OG doll moved on to greener pastures and so… She stayed there to be some other little girls find. I almost bought her for her cute shoes… She was only marked $1.99 but… Then I didn’t for some reason…? (I’d have re-donated the doll… Oh well… I have lots of doll shoes)

This one almost got me. Because oh. my. cute! Right? But 1) it’s really pretty large and would take a lot of room to store for an item that wouldn’t really realisitically be used too often. and 2) it was marked $9.99. Not horrible but not a price that begged me to buy it even if I might end up on an episode of Extreme Hoarders

More doll beds… I thought they were a little nuts being priced at $7.99 each. They are only like $35 brand spanking new… But I am obviously used to really really good deals. Teehee. They did have mattresses and that can be rare in doll beds second hand so…

Another item that almost got me and honestly now I am like “Why didn’t I buy that?!” It would’ve been such a cute corner shelf in the living room or dining room of Doll House. Darn it. Maybe no one else will want it and it’ll still be there the next time I go to this Goodwill… Heeheehee…

A Springfield doll that I picked up and put in cart for a few minutes because I don’t have the blonde haired blue eyed version but ultimately decided to leave at the store. I can’t house all the dolls
I guess..

A cute little dresser in an interesting shape… But I don’t need any more doll dressers. My doll bedrooms are chockablock full up already. 

This was cool! I am not sure if it was meant to be a doll bed or a dog bed. It was pretty big! If I had a huge house and a huge doll room I might’ve bought it just as a cool place to display dolls but… Nope. Still… Isn’t it cool? 
Better run!

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