Laura Ingalls Wilder Settling In To The Doll House!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
Where does the time go? How can it be Monday again already? Right? Speaking of time… Our sweet little time traveler, Laura Ingalls Wilder, is settling nicely into the Doll House Village! I am working on a YouTube video of the story of her arrival… It’s going to be a long one I think. I am going to have the girls all welcome her to the Doll House Village wearing dresses and not using any ‘modern’ devices around her at first so as to not give her too much culture shock! I mean, she is still in the midwestern United States but, well, it certainly has changed a bit since her time here. 

In keeping with that story line, I re-dressed her in a dress I had in the Doll Wardrobe from one of my Heidi Ott Faithful Friend dolls. The Queen’s Treasures actually makes a American Prairie Dress that is rather pretty but, knowing I had this dress that absolutely never gets worn by my more modern dolls, I knew I didn’t need it really. I do like the Prairie Calico Dress they sell though and it’s a bit less than the other one so.. Maybe someday. 

Doesn’t the blue dress really bring out her eyes?! 

I also gave her a calico knecklace because I thought it would be time period appropriate and, when she starts to wear more modern fashions, it’ll be a bit of her history in the outfit. Teehee…

I decied to have Diane welcome her to the Doll House. Real Diane love love loved Laura Ingalls Wilder so, how could I not? 

Diane asks her if she’d like to change into some clothes that are a little less warm for the season…

“Is it ok if I leave my doll here on the chair…?”

Stay tuned for the rest of the story…

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