Rootbeer Mug Keychain For Leanne Doll!!

Hi Doll Friends!
I have a life long sister friend named Leanne who knows about my little blog here… She was out shopping on the webs-of-the-world-wide one day and happened across a doll sized beer rootbeer mug. On an sweet and endearing impluse she sent it to me for the Doll House Village. Of course I have a doppelganger doll of Leanne and real Leanne loves beer rootbeer. When it arrived I couldn’t have been more tickled. The way to my heart is via doll related gifts, just ask my husband! Teehee. However, Leanne had done same thing I’ve done more than once and not realized the ‘scale’ of the beer rootbeer. It was actually made for 1:12 scaled doll houses and American Girl Doll sized items are 1:3 scaled. So… A tiny bit small. No matter to me! I was determined to use it in some way for Leanne Doll! *puzzling I was* then *lightbulb!* I decided to make it into a keychain for Leanne Doll’s keys!! Where to find doll sized keys though? Then one day at the craft store I found a little box of keys that were perfectly sized!! I wish I’d have taken a photo and somehow I’ve misplaced the packaging. What can I say, found the keys like a month ago but had put the beer rootbeer in a ‘safe place’ and it took me that much time to find it again. Teehee. So it was a super safe place! Anyway, but they were very much like these here. Then I needed another key ring or some way to make them all hook together…? Then last week, I found this ‘Queen’ charm that is actually made, I think, for a charm bracelet. To me though, it screamed ‘key ring for a doll’! Specifically for my sweet Leanne Doll! It lit the fire under me to search more in earnest for the beer rootbeer. Then, low and behold, I found it in the last box I looked in! (Side note: why do people say that? Of course you don’t keep looking once you find it right? So I have been saying it with ‘irony‘ for years but irony doesn’t really come across in print does it? I digress…) 

And it came together perfectly!! See the little heart shaped loop Leanne Doll is holding the keys with? Well, it was actually one of the keys but when I was trying to put it on Leanne Doll’s hand I pushed a bit too hard apparently and the bottom of the key broke off. Duh. However, it went on her finger! Then I looked at it and it looked kind of like it was meant to be that way…? In anycase, I left it as it was so Leanne Doll would have a great way to carry her keys. 

Aren’t they cute?! 
Better run!
Splash splash splash
(Inside greeting between me and Leanne)

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