Farvision Boy Doll School Uniform From Amazon!

Hi Doll Friends!
I’ve been on a bit of a mini-break… So I haven’t posted in nearly a week! I didn’t take the four days off from doll-ing completely but I did take the time off from the Internet for the most part… Well, other than shopping researching. Totally different, that. Right? 
Anyway, so over my mini-break, I had some parcels arrive in the post! Ever since the Fancy Spring Dance, I’ve been keeping my eyes out for ‘dressy’ doll clothes… So maybe the next time I have a dance the boys can come and not have to dress in ‘jock clothes’. Amazon has had a line of dolls and doll clothes that have intrigued me for a while now. They are called ‘Farvision’. So… When I saw their boy doll school uniform I decided I’d try out an outfit first. Maybe someday I’ll get one of their dolls… We will see. I’ve been waiting for Amazon reviews of them but so far not much. Do any of you, dear readers, own a Farvision doll? I’d love to hear about it!! I digress… 

Aaaaand… I think it’s pretty fantastic especially considering the whole outfit is only $14.99. I think I’ll be buying more…. Teehee… I mean, they’d all look the same but I’ve been playing with ideas on how to make doll ties so…. We will see.

Here is the card included…

Kind of sweet! A little card!

Nice fabric…

Real buttons!! Nice!!

The inside tag…

The khaki pants… And belt!!

Velcro AND snap! Nice feature.

Real pockets!

Handsome outfit. Yes, I am sure I’ll buy more… 

(look in left side mirror? LOL The mirror made his face look funny. Weird right?)
Better run!

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