A Care Package Of Amazing Sophia’s Doll Items Arrive At The Doll House!!

Greetings And Salutations Doll Friends!!
I. Won. The. Lottery!!
Well… Almost!! Seriously. 
Let me explain. 
Recently, I contacted Sophia’s Doll Company to give them some feedback about their amazing doll items and how much I’ve always loved all the doll items I’ve purchased from them. I sent them a linky to the blog posts I’ve written about them just to show them I earnestly appreciate the quality and care they put into every item. Carlyn Salas, their office manager, wrote back to let me know they appreciate feedback from thier customers. She also said, given that I write a blog, she’d like to know my address so she could send me something for the Doll House and to show my readers. How lovely an offer was that? So… I gave her my address and wondered what she might send.
Oh. My. Stars.
I got the package and almost passed out from excitement. 
She sent so many wonderful things! 
So, it was like winning the lottery! 
Thank you so much Carlyn and Sophia’s Doll Company! 
So what did she send? Two of Sophia’s beautiful and sweet smelling 18inch dolls!! She sent me Carly and Catherine!! I am so in love with these dolls! Did I mention they even smell good?! They have beautiful faces and are made so well!! I am still working on a ‘review’ of them so I can show you all their features… I couldn’t help myself, the very first thing I did with them was to dress them in the beautiful PJ’s they also sent and make a Slumber Party Video for YouTube! Teehee. I’ll get the ‘review’ post up soon!!

Here are the beautiful outfits they sent! She said she’d noticed I have a lot of boy dolls she sent me two of their newest outfits that they have designed for the boy dolls!! WOOT! I never have enough boy doll clothes!! The one’s she sent are fantastic!! She sent two boy doll outfits, a girl doll baseball outfit to match the boy baseball outfit she sent and two sets of PJ’s and a fantastic robe set so the dolls could have a slumber party!! So so sweet of her!

The dolls arrived in these plain white boxes. I am not entirely sure if you can purchase them this way but I think it’s actually a fantastic idea! It’s like giving you the opportunity to pick your own ‘Meet Outfit’! Clever! I’ll have to write Carlyn to ask that question…

They came in the awesome Sophia’s Doll panties. I have a pair of these that came with a hanger set and they are probably one of my favorite pairs of doll knickers! Just so well made!!

They came with hair nets to keep thier hair tame. 
And here is Carly all dressed!! She is just so beautiful! I love the face sculpt! Her hair is long and silky and she has a fantastic ‘high end’ doll weight to her. Just fantastic. I plan to re-name her… Ariel

And here is Catherine! She is also gorgeous! She is going to be named Patti. I used to have a Patti Doll named after one of my cherished friends… But I ended up gifting Patti Doll to actual Patti so she could play dolls with her Granddaughters. Ever since I’ve looked for a proper replacement and I have finally found her!
So here are Ariel and Patti at the recent Doll House Slumber Party! 
They both wanted to sleep on top bunk and that there was plenty of room for both of them. 
How sweet. So I’ll be back with a more proper review of them soon. In the meantime, here is a review of them on YouTube. 
I did take the time this weekend to take some good photos of the boy doll clothes she sent!! I love love love love this outfit! I immediately put it on Josh Doll, who is naturally my favorite boy doll! Doesn’t Josh look so handsome in it!?! It makes his green eyes pop!!

I think my favorite part of the outfit is the pennyloafer shoes!!! In fact, I found them on Amazon as a set with a pair of boy doll high tops and have already ordered two more pairs (two sets)! Teehee. Cos they really are that cute!

The jeans are adorable, they are ‘lined’ with plaid flannel pattern… So posh and top shelf!

Here are the top of the jeans… So awesome!! They look just like real jeans!!

Love love love this outfit!! The back of the shirt is a velcro closure…

Love the back pockets! Just a great oufit!!

Then she sent the baseball outfits and I love both of them! So well made!!!

I can’t wait to take the dolls out to the Ball Field again and take some great photos!

They are made out of the right ‘shiny’ material and everything… Just perfect!

Let’s play Ball!!

Last but not least is this cute Plush Kitten Set!! I could only find the puppy set on Amazon because I think this one is brand new!

I have quite a few pets in the Doll House already… And I knew immediately when I got the box in the mail that I’d have to share some of the bounty with my sweet readers… So…

This sweet set, after I review it for you (I am working on that), will be given away in drawing. I’ll probably start the drawing this coming Sunday (July 29, 2018) so keep an eye out for details!

Out of time!

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