My Life As Doll Clearance Sales At Walmart!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
Happy Friday! Where do the weeks go I ask you? Another one nearly done… This has been a ‘big week’ for ‘Doll Happenings’ around here. So many things to tell you about but always a finite amount of time!! I guess that’s the human condition, eh? 
So… As I’ve likely mentioned before, I am a member of several ‘Doll Groups’ on Facebook. They can be a great blessing as I’ve met several doll friends on there and have learned many wonderful doll ideas etc… On the flipside? They can be very dangerous too! Why? Well, we, all of us in the group, have a tendency to, when we see something/anything new and exciting in the ‘doll world’, gush to the other members of the group. I mean, we need to help each other out right? Teehee. But, for me, I suppose it’s probably kind of like an alcoholic hanging out at a bar… They’ll likely drink a lot more if they are there! (Not trying to make light of the seriousness that is alcoholism, just to be clear) As a bit of a doll addict, I might ought to pay a little bit less attention to the groups sometimes. But this week? The Groups have all been abuzz with the latest items being released by My Life As Doll at Walmart. Side note: I’ve been blogging about dolls for a few years and am finally learning the ‘trends’ and it seems that ‘back to school’ time coincides with the doll companies all releasing their newest items… Perhaps they do it this time of year so the kids’ll see the new stuff in time to make it on Wishlists for Christmas I imagine. So, you’d think that someday I’d learn to, like, save a lot of money for this time of year or something just for Doll Items. But who am I kidding. Doll Mad Money burns holes in my pocket faster than you can say Doll Sale. Haha! Oh well… perhaps it’ll keep me off Extreme Hoarders. Gotta look for the blessings, eh? I am digressing all over the map. Just look at that paragraph. How much coffee did I drink again? 
So… Back to My Life As Doll Items. They have recently released a bunch of really cool stuff! Like a Bathroom and a Vending Machine… I’d love to show it to you but naturally none of it has made it to any of ‘my’ Walmarts. However, when I went to Walmart the other day in hopes of seeing some of the newest stuff (I do it all for you dear reader!! Heeheehee), what did I see? 
Clearance! Clearance! Clearance! 
I did have some Doll Mad Money with me and so… I might’ve gone a bit nuts
But what can you do??!
I got all of these sets for only $48.00!! How could I not? it’s probably lucky I only had $50.00 in Doll Mad Money at the time or I might’ve brought home the entire aisle. Teehee. 

See??? Clearance Clearance Clearance! 

I brought my sweet Franny Doll to be a model by the ‘new’ stuff but… Since there wasn’t any… We just did a couple of shots in the store….

My cart after I rang up (I never take bags if items are in boxes).
 Kind of obnoxious really but…

Not enough to stop me though! 
Here are the sets I got: 

Amazing, right?
I am not sure if I’ll end up ‘reviewing’ any/most of them… I’ll more likely just incorporate them into Doll Scenes and reference back to this blog. Since they are old sets anyway and there are new items to be found and reviewed. But I might change my mind…? We shall see. In any case, fun Doll Haul as they call them!
Better run!
Happy Weekend!!

2 thoughts on “My Life As Doll Clearance Sales At Walmart!

  1. That's awesome!! Who's to say they have to be for just dolls afterall. Oh, and in your post you asked if they make an asian doll. They certainly do and she's really pretty. (I have one, she's a ballerina and I am pretty sure if you put that in my search engine it'll take you to her.)Thanks for commenting! It's always nice to hear from the people who find my blog. 🙂 Have a great day!


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