What’s In A Name? Penniless Caucasian Rubbish; A Nomdeplume Story

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!

When I chose the name of my blogging nomdeplume, it came as naturally as the rain. A bit of self depreciating humor  mixed with a fun play on words. I am proud of the fact that I come from a long line of what a lot of people would call “PoWhiteTrash” because my heritage is one of southern origins and none of my family had much money. What we didn’t have in money we had in great food and amazing lessons in sewing and all manner of craftiness born of a need to use up everything, not to keep the Craft Store in business. I had jokingly said for years that, if I ever wrote my ‘memiors’ (so dramatic!) I’d call it “Po White Trash; Memiors of an American Girl”. So when I started a different blog on MySpace back in 2007, trying to think of a clever nomdeplume:
PennilessCaucasianRubbish was born.

I even went by Penni to several of the bloggers I networked with back then in my fun and amazing poetry circles! I’ve tried to find the original blog but I abandoned Myspace many moons ago and have had no luck! Also, it was an entirely different blog than this one is. Think dark poetry & angst and that’s what was vented there. Maybe you all are more clever than I am and can find it? I was able to find this random blog post on a blog I started and made one entry to back in 2008 to illustrate I, in earnest, have had the nickname for a long time. Eitherwise, that’s where the name came from. I guess I should’ve blogged about it before but when you have a nick name for so long, you don’t even think about it too much anymore.

Somewhere in the last few years, I sort of snuck out from behind my nomdeplume and started using my real name Heather… Obviously. I’ve since linked to some of that dark poetry I mentioned in my ‘sister’ blog Penniless Caucasian Rubbish Writes. So… PennilessCaucasianRubbish has kind of taken on a life of it’s own in a way… When I googled it looking for that Myspace page I almost fell of my chair at how many references there are. I guess I can talk. A lot. Hahaha! My Granddaddy did always say “No buddy, that Heather, now she can talk.” Teehee. Too true, too true. So… There you have it. How this blog got it’s ‘weird’ name. As Paul Harvey would always say: “Now you have it, the rest of the story!”

Better run!

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