Maplelea Taryn Moves Into The Doll Village!

Hi Doll Friends!!
I couldn’t help it!! She jumped into my shopping buggy on Amazon!
 I didn’t have the heart to tell her to get back out. 
That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. 
Meet Taryn:
But how could I not:
Because for some reason, for a very short window of time, she was on sale for only $75.00!! Now, I know I shouldn’t be one of those people who compare a doll to American Girl Dolls and say they are a better deal… But… I am about to do that. Maplelea are, in my opinion, by far, one of the very finest quality dolls on the market for the price point they sell for, usually $99.99. American Girl Dolls start at $115 and you always have to pay shipping (Lame! Get with the times there AG, most people give free shipping on orders over like $35!!) and so comparitively they are much more expensive. Maplelea’s quality is on par with American Girl in every way and surpases it in more than a few. So anyway, I was so happy when they started selling them on Amazon because before that I couldn’t buy them as they are made in Canada. So to find Taryn on sale for only $75.00? I didn’t even think, I just popped her in my shopping buggy and dashed to virtual checkout before they could change the price! Haha!

Poor Taryn’s hair was a bit messy when she arrived… I imagine she had a pony tie on her hair that came loose? Poor dear!

This time I got my very first print Maplelea catalog!!! Uh oh… That could be dangerous… Teehee.

I haven’t gotten as many photos of her as I’d like but I had to come and show her off!

Ok… So I guess I took a few photos….

 So, of course I love her…
Better run!

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