New My Life As Doll and Our Generation Boy Dolls!!

Doll Friends!
There are so many neat 18inch Doll items coming out right now that it’s hard to keep track or to knwo which I want to buy more with my Doll Mad Money! Oy vey!! Ever since My Life As Doll released their first boy dolls, then Our Generation followed suite and finally American Girl Doll did, it’s been so much fun watching the boy doll market take off! So I was in Walmart this weekend looking for the ‘new stuff’ and all I found was a whole lot of nothing on that score… Untill… On a shelf that wasn’t even in the My Life As Doll section, I see this fella.
He’s one of the two new boy dolls out from My Life As Doll this year and he has a man bun!?!?!

Both of the new boys do although I only saw one of the two on the shelf.Ā 

Here he is next to another new release doll, a skater.

And another new one, I love the donut PJs! If the consensus on the Doll Groups of Facebook are any indication, My Life As might’ve bombed out on these new guys. Mostly I got ‘that’s horrible!’ reactions… A few people mentioned re-wigging and I laughed because it’s like going back to square one really… A few years ago the only way to get an 18inch boy doll was to chop off a girl dolls hair and customize her into a boy. Now… A boy doll is coming out and we are still talking about scalping the doll! I don’t think I’ll buy either of them any time soon. Perhaps if they get slashed to deep clearance this time next year I’ll grab one or two and rewig them but for now… Um. No.
However… I’ve been shopping researching Target for new items in the Our Generation Dolls and low and behold….Ā 
Much like the Tyler Doll, they knocked this out of park. I think he is adorable.Ā 

So…. yeah….

He’s on the way to the Doll House… Teehee.

I may very well run out of August Doll Mad Money before the 10th at this rate but… Meh… You only live once!! Right? Can’t wait for him to arrive so I can show him to you! I am not keeping his name Gabe…. I’ll reveal his new name after he arrives… So I can make sure the name ‘fits’ after I see him in person.Ā 

So… If you’ve been waiting on taking the plunge on an 18inch boy doll for your Doll House, there are so many great options now! The only downside of the boy dolls being mass produced now is that the sellers who’s specialty was making custom boys have likely taken a bad hit. But… That’s the free market for you. If there is a market for something, people rush to fill it. Isn’t it grand?

Better run! Have about five different drafts I am working on currently… Let’s see if I can’t get another one finished this morning before I have to be a grown-up again…


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