Our Generation Gabe Arrives At The Doll House!!

Hi Doll Friends!
Our Generation keeps outdoing themselves. Just when I say/think “That’s it, I have all the Our Generation Dolls I think I’ll ‘need’…” They go and come out with another adorable one! This time? Gabe the newest boy doll in their line. I ordered him, literally, the moment I saw him online. He’s even cuter in person than in their stock photos! Perhaps one of the most handsome 18inch boy dolls I’ve seen yet, actually. Well done Our Generation!!
He arrived late last week but it was a busy weekend and so I didn’t get a chance to post until today…

So handsome!!!

When I ordered him I thought I wasn’t going to keep his name… But once he arrived I decided he just looks like a Gabe. One of my favorite angels in the Bible is Gabriel and this kid looks like he could be the modern kid version of him. Eh?

I love his hair! 

And he’s outta the box!

The girls came to welcome him! I’m sure he’ll be very popular… Hahaha.

Billy came along so the poor fella wouldn’t feel totally alone with the girls!

I think he’s going to make a great addition to the Doll House! Can’t wait for the upcoming Homecoming Season so he can get dressed up and take one of the gals on a date!
Oh, and guess what? I checked back on Target online a bit later in the week and darn it if they didn’t release a new girl that hopped in my shopping buggy and is on her way home… Her name is Lake and she’s adorable!! I’d considered Kay earlier this year when I brought Juliet and Amy home… But I have so many red headed dolls in the Doll House already that I just never did make the purchase. I am so glad because Lake has the same sculpt and I love her eyes, hair and freckles!! Well, in order to get free shipping I had to buy something else and since I’ve seemingly thrown all caution to the four winds with regards to restraint in doll population… I ordered another doll I thought of last year too! So Manuella is on her way along with Lake. Hahaha! I think she has the same sculpt as well but I can’t decide for sure. What do you think?
In any case they are all beautiful and I am excited for Lake and Manuella to arrive!

Better run!

One thought on “Our Generation Gabe Arrives At The Doll House!!

  1. Battat are definitely making more of an effort with face moulds. They've had some that have been a bit 'off' in the past, especially around the eyes, but the newer ones are an improvement in my opinion. I think I can see differences between all three faces – the edges of Manuella's eyes are different to the other two. Glitter Girls are coming out with new face moulds and poseable limbs too.


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