Two More Beautiful Paola Reina Las Amigas From Frann!!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
As you may recall, recently my beautiful sister friend Frann sent me two beautiful Paola Reina Las Amigas Dolls to live in the Doll House! They have since gone on to have many adventures and are sure to be in many more to come. Knowing how much I loved the first two what did Frann do? She sent me two more!! They are absolutely stunning and I love them! Thanks so much Frann! You’re so kind to me!! 

Not only did she send me two new dolls, she also sent these exquisite one of a kind traditional Korean dresses!! So beautiful!!! She has a friend who makes them! I’ll have to see how to get a link up if she is ok with that. Frann had two dresses made for her and her beautiful dollies and two for me. Twinsies!! I love our Twinsies Doll hobby! It’s like playing dolls virtually even though we live so far away. How fun is that? 

The dresses are so beautiful!!
And so are the dolls obviously. I love this one’s adorable bob-with-bangs hair!! I think I’ve decided to name her Palakine. It is Hawaiian for Francine and since I named Hekele after myself in Hawaiian, this little beauty can be named after Frann in Hawaiian. Perfect! Right? I think so anyway. 

I’m not sure what I’ll name the other beautiful doll she sent. She’s Hekele’s twin only she’s been customized into the glamorous beauty you see here! So gorgeous!

I’m sure I’ll come up with something… I’m considering Hali… Hmmm…

No matter what I name her, isn’t she gorgeous? She’s dressed in a Wellie Wisher outfit and some cute sandles that Frann sent along with the dolls and dresses! They match perfectly I think!

Here is Hali and Hekele meeting for the first time. 

Of course they were instant friends!

Carla came to meet Hali and Palakine too!

“Carla this is Hali, Hali meet Carla!”

“She just stepped away to powder her nose…”

“Maybe Hekele can model the other beautiful dress?” Hali suggests.

“I’d love to! I’ll go change right now!” said Hekele

Meanwhile, Palakine came back from the powder room.

“Hi Palakine! I’m Carla! Nice to meet you! I love your dress!

“You’re going to have such a great time at the Doll House Village! We have so many adventures and slumber parties and barn adventures and trips to the Diner and and and….” gushed Carla

Hekele looks absolutely stunning in the blue dress!!

What an amazing gift!! Thanks again so much Frann! I love love love them!! 

I’m sure you’ll see all four of these beauties in many an adventure going forward… 

Better run… 
Till Next Time!


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