My Friend Mandy And American Girl Doll Clothes Garage Sale Score!

Hi Doll Friends!!
A few weekends ago I was out and about  in town on a Saturday afternoon and so dropped by a few Garage Sales. One of them had a big box of doll clothes marked 50cents each… It was quite a mish-mash of baby doll, Barbie doll, American Girl doll (sized, not brand) and My Friend Mandy Doll clothes. So… I started digging thru them. The lady sitting there, being as it was late in the day, says to me “I’ll give you the whole box for $5.00!” Hmmm… I’d looked through the box and had seen enough interesting stuff to think it might be worth it and I was short on time so… I handed over $5 and walked off with my box of ‘who-knows-what’… I brought it in the house, dumped it all in a bag and put in the Doll Room closet to ‘sort later’ and kind of forgot about it. Teehee. 
So I finally sorted through it this past weekend and oh-my-stars I got some neat stuff! I should’ve thought to photograph the entire lot but I was intent on sorting thru, gleaning the good stuff and getting the rest back in back and off to Goodwill… So… Sorry… I didn’t think to! I really only kept the bits that were in good shape and that I was sure would fit the dolls in the Doll House.
This photo is all 18inch doll sized clothes. I think I am going to use the cape as a Halloween costume this year because how fun is that? Little Red Riding Hood is a great costume and with just that cape, I have it! I am going to *try* to be more proactive about Halloween this year… I am always scrambling at the last possible moment to get my seasonal photos taken/edited/posted in time for the holiday. So I am planning, this year, to try and do each one a month ahead… I digress… Point being, Halloween is right around the corner practically! Hahaha! I love the dark velvet dress! Prepare to see that in Homecoming Dance photos in the not too far distant future! The ‘snow people’ dress is a bit hokey but I thought it would a fun dress for when some of the dolls pull out the ice skates this winter. Or as part of an ‘ugly Christmas sweater‘ party. Hmmm…. What a fun idea. I’ll have to do that this year in the Doll House. Heeheehee.

This photo is a mixed lot of both American Girl Doll sized and My Friend Jenny sized items. The little shawl on the top right of the photo was hand-made by someone using the My Friend Patterns that used to be included when you bought a pre-made ensemble in the 1970s. How do I know this? Because my own Granny made me two of them and I still have them to this day. Upon looking closer at it, I was thinking “This would be really easy to make!” so I might just have to try that soon… I digress… I love the little ‘monkey’ top! It’s by Battat and you can see I used it for Alyssa’s first day of school video (and the top photo of this blog). I’ve since figured out that the little ‘denim’ bolero jacket with the flowers on in the bottom right was likely made to go with it I think… The little striped dress in the middle is so adorable! I ironed it and it’s being worn my Fongtan but I just haven’t gotten a chance to photograph her in it yet. So many blog ideas, so little time! The red pants, white shorts and kerchief are all ‘My Friend Mandy’ Brand clothes. 

 This photos is mostly My Friend Doll Clothes other than the animal print coat. I actually owned a plethora of My Friend Mandy and Jenny doll clothes when I was a kid. Sadly, *sobs*, I sold them on eBay in my 20s because I could “Get like $10 an outfit for them!!”. Ugh. Oh well…  So it’s nice to have a few of these again. The white sweater has a horrible hole in one arm but I plan to ask my friend who knits if she thinks she could repair it. Cos it’s such a cute sweater and it’s like 30 years old! I laughed at the ‘Wizards of Waverly Place’ bag… A bit dated since the shows name is on it but I figured I could just turn that side in when a doll is using it. Teehee. Isn’t it funny how quickly ‘kids shows’ become passe? I have a couple of ‘Hannah Montana’ PJs that someone made for 18inch dolls when that was all the rage and I stubbornly hold on to them because there was a time that was a wholesome show! The dolls don’t need to know that the star of the show went off the rails, right? Heeheehee.

And the last bits that were ‘good stuff’. The hat is My Friend Jenny’s Meet Outfit hat. In great shape considering it’s age!! The little blue clogs are also My Friend doll shoes. The little black shoes are, I think, Muffy Vanderbear shoes but I am going to try them on a few of the dolls who have ‘off’ sized feet and see if they’ll work before I give them to Goodwill. The flowered tennis shoes are kind of weird… I haven’t tried them on a doll yet but they look a bit like ‘clown’ shoes in how they are made. That’s really only reason I kept them honestly… Halloween and all. The pink dress was a hot mess of ‘pulled’ fabric from having a velcro closure and getting all ‘stuck’ on itself… I washed it and ironed it… But it’s still rather sad looking… Trying to think of a way to salvage it because the darker pink ‘silky’ material is still lovely…
So… Worth $5.00? Absolutely! How fun! I’ll have to link back here when I finally get some of the dolls photo’d in the clothes. Or come back and update, one. Till then…
Better run!

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