Playtime By Eimmie Bedroom and Kitchen Interchangable Playscapes!

Hi Doll Friends!!
Playscapes or doll backdrops or whatever you want to call them have quickly become one of my favorite doll accessories. Doll photography is so much easier and more fun if you have a lot of ‘venues’ to use!! As I get more into making YouTube videos, it gets more fun the more places you have to add to your dolls stories. So… When I was shopping researching on Amazon recently, I had a product suggestion that was bang on… I’d never seen it before!? It was called a ‘Bedroom and Kitchen Interchangeable Doll Playscape” It is a playscape similar to Journey Girls (that you can see in this post) but just a bit different. For this one, the floor was wood and not plastic and it also came with furniture!! Hmmm…? It got great reviews and I still had a bit of Doll Mad Money so, into my shopping buggy it went and two days later here it was. What on earth did we do before Amazon? Eh? (Save a lot of money I imagine and have a lot less stuff… But… Oh well… Heeheehee…)

It comes in a plain cardboard box with no ‘outter’ container. This is what you see when you look into the top of the box.

I was glad to see it made it here safely with no damage! Sometimes large items like this can be dicey in that regard. 

It looks like a lot of pieces but it was pretty straitforward. I was able to assemble all of it in less than an hour. The furniture is adorable and made pretty well especially considering the entire set only costs $39.99!

I love that it’s plain white and simple so it’ll match any dolly decorating scheme!

This set is SO STINKING CUTE!! If you can’t afford an American Girl Doll sized house in either your budget or your space, this is a set for you! With just the four pieces of furniture and the two playscapes there is so much scope for imagination! I had a ball playing with them and I am in my 40s for goodness sake. 

 I personally am not going to use the ‘pillars’ that come with it but rather likely use the backdrops by themselves held up by props because it looks more realistic, I think. The pillars being attached to the floor means I have to store this ‘big’ thing when I can just keep it apart and ‘prop’ the walls up with other things… If that makes sense. I do the same with my Journey Girls backdrops and they work great. I like that this set has two large panels and not four… Easier to work with!

The table is just adorable and sturdy enough to hold the dolls well. 

I’m so glad I got this set! I am sure you’ll see plenty of it in the future!
Better run!

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