Our Generation Doll Life Guard Set and My Life As Doll Cabana Set!

Doll Friends,
Do you ever feel like you’re behind on every aspect of your life? Me? All the time… Case in point? I have so many blog posts I am currently working on that the loose ends are currently feeling like they’re about to unravel. I even just decided to start an Excel spreadsheet checklist to try and organize them! I am sure you understand there are many steps in the process… Let me see if I can order them by number? 
1) Think of post idea 
2) take photos 
3) Edit photos 
4)Upload photos 
5)Create draft 
6)Write post 
7)Instagram post 
8)Facebook about post
 9)Pinterest posts (Haven’t done this in like a month….?) 
I think that’s it…? But suffice to say when you have like 10-15 ideas brewing and in different stages of the process, it’s easy to drop the ball on one or several. Teehee. So I am determined to catch up and be more organized! 
This post, for instance, was started in early July!! How on Earth did it become mid August already! My kids start school today!?? Speaking of… I have about five minutes to get this posted so it’s gonna be mostly a “Hey, check out this cool set and a few photos of it but if you want a proper review there is one here (OG Beach set) and here (MLA Cabana set) on YouTube.” Because why re-invent the wheel? I just like to make a post about each set so when/if people ask me about a particular accessory item in a photo I’ll perhaps have a reference point to direct them to. Also, you think you’ll never forget what comes with what set etc. yourself until you’re a few years into a Doll Blog and all of the sudden you’re like “Hmm… Where did that come from anyway?” Hahaha. So it’s good to document even for myself!!

I love this swimsuit set! So cute!

Gotta run or kids will be late for first day of school!
Have a great day!

3 thoughts on “Our Generation Doll Life Guard Set and My Life As Doll Cabana Set!

  1. Heather I just love the things you post, which is why I have your blog on my blog's sidebar. Or I would forget the name of it and hence forget to visit it. I'm not good with names. I love this post. I'm way behind on posting on my blog too. It was so hot and smoky (from wildfires here in BC) for the past 2 weeks that I forgot about computer things. And I don't know how to write spreadsheets!


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