Thrift Store and Goodwill Sightings, Purchases and Regrets Of Late…

Happy Saturday Doll Friends!
So I haven’t posted any ‘what I’ve seen at thrift stores’ post in a while… I still go as often as I can but do also try and be reasonable about how much storage space I have for my Dolls. Oy!

Case in point? This utterly adorable double swingset. It was a tiny bit too short for 18 inch dolls but the 12″ and 14″ dolls would’ve looked so cute. As I type this I am like “WHY? did I not BUY it???” Hahaha. I even saw it a bit later on a different stop in to that Goodwill and still didn’t buy it… I can’t honestly say that, should I see it again, I won’t buy it. So I’ll hope it’s gone! Cos did I mention it’s huge!?
It was marked $9.99. Not bad at all for such a large sturdy wood swing set really…

Then I saw this hobby horse. I have a hobby horse in the Doll House Village already or I might’ve snatched it up.

Then I saw this Our Generation Trundle bed… As you can see, I put it in my cart to think about it. It had a mattress and at very least I could’ve used that on one of my doll beds… For some reason taht escapes me right now, I put it back. Duh. I am betting it probably would’ve slid under one of my two Our Generation Daybeds. Rats. But the good news is, do you see the ginormous wardrobe by OG right below it? I did buy that! So maybe since I was already considering where I was going to find space for the new cabinet, I put it back… Likely. Oh well…. Who knows, maybe it will be there when I stop in next. You never can tell. 

See, here is the bottom and the label. Oy. Sometimes these photos are hard to see… Like “I’d forgotten that but now I am wondering why I didn’t get it” regret feeling. Hahaha. But… 
You can’t buy All. The. Things.

One thing I did find at the same time was this doll:
I was WEAK. I bought her. So I am currently cleaning her up. She’s a Paradise Kids doll…? I’ve never seen one before and I’ve searched hi and low and hither and yon for dolls these many years so that is a bit rare. So I dig into the internet to find what I could find….
And I finally find this photo of the box of the same sort of doll when she was new. 

Then I found this photo of the doll I found with her meet outfit on. 

She’s likely going to be able to wear some Journey Girl and some Glitter Girl sized clothes I imagine… I’ll keep you posted after I clean her up. 

Have you ever encountered a doll like this? Let me know in comments… Just when you think you know ‘all the dolls’ along comes a new one!!
I SO wanted to buy this gas pump!! Again, I am like “Why why why didn’t I??” Haha! Space! Only have so much space… But isn’t it amazing??!?!

A very cute chair that rode around in my shopping buggy for a little while but then I put back. I have a lot of chairs… Teehee.

Poor forlorn Porcelain Dolls. 
This is becoming such a common sight that I see them  in nearly every thrift store I go to! They don’t interest me, I don’t like fragile breakable dolls. Dolls are meant to be played with, not set on a shelf to collect dust! Right?  I mean, check these out, I bet the ones in boxes have always been in the boxes!!I do usually glance through the area because sometimes they have great furniture items in with the dolls or sometimes they even have a play doll in there too… Can’t hurt to look!

This price flat out made me laugh out loud. I mean, shes in reasonably good shape but you can buy her brand new in the box for like $15 at Hobby Lobby any day of the week. This particular thrift store is one I barely ever even stop in to because their prices are stupid expensive and mostly their stuff is junk considering the price especially!! I hear from readers that their thrift stores stink and if they have them like this? I feel for them! So sad and pathetic…
I digress… Again… Hahaha. You’re probably used to it by now eh?

They wanted $12.99 for this horse. Madness. Um. No. Brand new with the saddle and accessories is like $35? So that’s too much I think. I have a stable full of horses and ponies and haven’t paid more than a few dollars for any of them!! 
On to a different and better thrift store:

This one? Oh the pain! I talked myself out of these amazing Sophia Dolls Dress Forms. They were $3.99 each and I decided I didn’t have the $12 at the time… But now I am like 
Who needed milk and electricity and all the grown up boring stuff… These were amazing!! I could’ve made a little boutique…”
I am going to stop talking about them now because I am gonna cry
*but only kind of*
Oh well… it is what it is. 
So that’s it for this episode of “Heather’s Thrift Store Regrets”
What’s the biggest thrift store regret you have? Or perhaps you, dear reader, are smart and never walk away from awesome things you find! Because you may never see them ever again!!?
Better run!

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