Dolls Take A Rainy Day Walk!

Hi Doll Friends!!
So this past weekend… It rained… and rained… and rained…
Don’t get me wrong, I like rain. I love the smell of it espcially, so clean and fresh… I love the sound of it although it usually makes me want to crawl into a comfie spot and nap. I digress…
So, of course I finally had to take the dolls out and take some photos of them playing in the rain. Right?
I loved to play in the rain as a kid… During summer rains when it was warm, I’d jump on my bike and go splashing through the deepest puddles I could find. Am I alone or did you do same as a kid? 
So much fun!

Here is Brandi Doll with her cute polka dotted umbrella and rain hat with red wellies!

Audrey joined her with a strawberry umbrella and yellow wellies…

Elula wanted to come along… But Audrey, being a big sister and all, discouraged her from it. 
(Really, I just couldn’t get her to stand up in the rain well at all and so I just quit trying after this shot… Hahaha! But the story works!) 

I don’t know if you can tell in these photos but it was raining pretty hard. I was under the tree a bit so wasn’t getting totally soaked as fast as I might’ve been otherwise but the dolls both got pretty wet too… Their arms were totally drenched. Haha.

But I think it made for a couple of cute shots…

Then I brought them in and they had, of course, hot cocoa and cookies.

Isn’t Elula pretty? I just adore her. 

The cookies look so real I want to eat one. I just dug through ever cookie related post I have and can’t seem to find where they are from…? I think they are Sophia Doll cookies? Do any of you recovnize them? Oy vey! You think you’ll never forget such things. Hence this blog! I’d never remember any details if I couldn’t just use the search engine! Hahaha! Thank you, dear blog, for being my memory! *amused*

Audrey read them Judith Viorst’s Earrings. I’ve always loved her books. “Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day” is one of my all time favorites. Some days, I think I’ll move Australia! Haha.

I made a YouTube of Rainy Day Walk if you’d like to check it out… Better run… Where does time go in the morning?? 

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