DesignAFriend 18inch Doll Arrives At The Doll House From England!

Greetings And Salutations Doll Friends!!
The internet can be an amazing place… In so many ways it’s made the world such a ‘small’ place. There used to be no way to even know about products from around the world much less be able to buy them if you want to. I know it’s hard to imagine for the people who weren’t around before the Internet but it’s what makes the internet magic for those of us who were. Hahaha. I digress… 
 Anyway, the magic, in this instance, was that last week sometime I was on Instagram and came across a doll line I’d never heard of… DesignAFriend Dolls. Perhaps I am the last person in the doll world to hear about them but… I’d never heard of them. They looked a lot like Lotus dolls…? So I looked for some information about them on the WebsOTheWideWorld and… Not much? I mean there are YouTubes about them but, as far as I could find, in the blog realm, not much at all?
 Inconceivable! I couldn’t take it. I had to rectify this situation. 
 I do it all for you dear reader!
*giggles again*

So I took to eBay to see if there were any for sale? Low and behold there were so many! It appears DesignAFriend, in England, must be kind of like Our Generation in America… Kind of common and easy to get hold of. Which is a great thing because….

I won the bids for this beautiful, nearly new, DesignAFriend Doll for less than $10.00!! The shipping was $25.00 of course since she had to travel all the way here from England but that’s understandable. I literally bid the lowest bid price on the nicest, newest DesignAFriends doll I could find on eBay and before I knew it, she was on the way!

I have to say she got here really fast!! Seriously… How cool is that? 
Who needs to even travel anywhere anymore!? 
The world can be delivered to your door

Her hair was a bit wonky when she arrived but likely was lovely when she left and just got jostled about during her travels since it wasn’t secured by a rubberband. 

She even came with an extra outfit and pair of cute boots!! Steal!!

Apparently they come in these pink boxes which I think is kind of sweet. They aren’t really sturdy but given the price point of these dolls new, as I found them online at Argos Store Online I think they make a lovely presentation box. There are so many different dolls available and I think I’d probably own a ton of them if I could walk into a store and buy them or even buy them online from this Argos place. So… Probably best that I can’t! Right? But the sale prices on some of the cute outfits is painful to behold given I can’t buy them! It made me feel the pain of every reader that’s read my blog and commented that there is no such deals as I find in their neck of the woods. I guess maybe there is something to traveling after-all? Hmmm…

Here’s what they say on the inside… Apparently they are manufactured for Argos Stores? I think? 

Here’s the simple mark on the back of her neck… I would’ve bet you a dollar she was a Lotus face sculpt but… I guess not? 
She’s gorgeous! It appears all the DesignAFriend Dolls are… 

Her hair is amazing, thick and soft… Especially considering the price of these dolls new, really, top notch!

Her clothes are cute and pretty well made… Along same quality as My Life As Doll or Springfield Doll clothes I would say. 

I didn’t get a chance to open her until late last night and I only got these few photos of her… I had to show you the little inserts that came with her though!

This little DesignAFriend Fashion Journal is ADORABLE. 

I fully plan to fill it out ‘as’ one of my dolls and make it part of a story of a fashion loving doll because!

Look! It’s made like a composition notebook and is very sturdy cardstock! Nice!! I think it’s a great ‘freebie’ to enclose! I mean, I know it’s an advert but it’s a cool one!

Then the little ‘purse’ is a catalog of sorts… Pretty clever.

So I’ll be back as soon as possible to give you a closer look at her. I know… I often say that I am going to do that and never actually get back to it. Teehee. So hold my feet to the fire on this one since the whole reason I bought her was so there would be blogged information about her. Hahaha. At first blush, I can report that, while she’s adorable and all, I am betting you dollars to donuts that she’ll end up with a body transplant with an OG at some point. I imagine the way they kept costs down but gave her that beautiful sculpt and hair was to… Give her a very lightweight and flimsy body. (No offense meant DesignAFriend! She’s FABULOUS conisdering her price…) I’ll be back as soon as I can to show you why I say so.
Better run! Time to herd the cats wake the teens for school!
Have a fantastic Friday! Here in my neck of the woods it’s City Wide Garage Sale Weekend. It’s nearly like a holiday for me!! So, wish me luck out ‘sale-ing’! 
Who knows what I’ll find for the Doll House!

*feeling delish anticipation!*



One thought on “DesignAFriend 18inch Doll Arrives At The Doll House From England!

  1. Well, that's so cool, Heather! I also won a \”new\” doll this past week on eBay which I got in Canada which is great for me. She arrived quickly too. I need to blog about her. She also was only $10!


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