Gotz 1990 Signed Doll Gets A Hair Makeover!

Hi Doll Friends!
One doll in my collection that I’ve often considered ‘what to do’ with is my Vintage 1990 Gotz Doll. I treasure her because she is signed and she is from a ‘good year’ and is signed… But, being a ‘soft body’ doll, she literally never got included in any posts because she can’t stand at all. She really doesn’t even sit real well without a chair to hold her up…
Also, her hair… I did my upmost to fix it but, she’d been terribly treated very well loved by her former owner and a lot of her hair had been ripped out by rough brushing. It was also in a very 1990’s style… I know, I had same haircut around that year. Hahaha. Cutting her hair off though, given that she was signed, seemed extreme to me! However… She just sat and sat and sat and collected dust. It didn’t seem fair really. So… what to do?
I bit the bullet and cut off her hair and gave her a new wig!

I also decided to embrace her being unable to stand or sit very well on her own… To make it part of her ‘story’ if you will. I’ve decided her story will be that she is a handi-capable parapelgic. I haven’t decided what the story of how her condition came about…? Hmm…?

See? You could see her scalp very easily through her hair…

See all the totally empty hair plug holes? 

So, really, what did I have to loose? I did try and wash her hair again and brushed it out one last time, just to see if I could make it improve… But… Nope. So… I bit the bullet and cut it off!

When I cut it off, I kind of planned that this would be the wig she’d wear. It was the same color, nearly, as her original hair. I tried it on and thought she looked adorable! I kept snapping photos even, congratulating myself on how fabulous she looked

And she does look really cute with the blonde wig… Or at least it’s a vast improvement on her half bald hair. Still… I had the exact same wig in red and I figured I might as well try it on her…

Here is the back of the blonde wig… 

Cute! But….

Oh. My. Cuter!!

I love love love her new style!! 

She’s just so pretty!!

I actually asked a few peoples opinion to see if they agreed with me and it was unanimous, the red hair stays! I am also planning on repainting her lips… I just wanna find the perfect color first. So, expect to see her in posts more going forward!! I named her Stevie quite a while ago, after Stevie Knicks who has long been a favorite performer of mine! I plan to keep the name because it kind of stuck… 
Better run!

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